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International experience at the heart of NEOMA’s DNA

NEOMA Business School has always been a strong proponent of a highly immersive approach at an international level. We believe that having students spend time abroad at a partner institution known for academic excellence is the key for a successful multicultural and immersive experience.

A strategy in five key points

A large network of recognised partners
Local immersion
A wide diversity of destinations
An expansive offers of international dual diplomas
An extensive range of experience formats

A few partners among the best in the world

NEOMA partners

A multicultural environment on our campuses

Students representing 100 nationalities

International exposure is a key component of the NEOMA experience, which also takes place on our campuses. Each year, more than one thousand students from our academic partners come to the NEOMA campuses for short- or long-term exchanges and contribute their multicultural diversity to our school’s environment.

72% of professors from international backgrounds

NEOMA professors come from the best universities throughout the world. Their pedagogic insights and contributions, their publishing prowess in the most acclaimed academic journals, their close connections to companies and of course the international dimension of their backgrounds further reinforce the school’s excellent research, its high-quality teaching and its reach and influence.

NEOMA professors

Our graduates in 127 countries

Twenty-five percent of NEOMA graduates work outside France in more than one hundred and twenty-seven countries. In the graduate association, NEOMA Alumni, the graduates are involved in a hundred international branches. They organise meetings throughout the world, connecting students, companies and other alumni. This powerful, dynamic network based abroad is a valuable advantage in any circumstance, particularly in times of crisis. From the start of the Covid pandemic, the international community of NEOMA alumni has taken action and worked together to support students.

NEOMA Alumni

NEOMA Confucius Institute for Business

As the first business-oriented Confucius Institute opening in France in 2014, and the seventh in the world, NEOMA Confucius Institute for Business is a meeting place and a platform focused on strengthening Franco-Chinese economic relations. The institute promotes the Chinese language and culture and develops solutions to support companies in expanding their activities in China. Labelled by the HANBAN (Office of the Commission for the international diffusion of the Chinese language), it is the product of a collaboration between NEOMA Business School and the prestigious Nankai University, located in Tianjin. NEOMA Confucius Institute for Business also receives support from the Haute-Normandie region and the Rouen Normandie Metropole.

More about NEOMA Confucius Institute for Business

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Our representative offices abroad

NEOMA supports its international ambition through a network of international representative offices in China, India and Latin America. These local branches strengthen our local presence among applicants, students and graduates and seek to develop new synergies with local companies as well as French companies based in these countries.