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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

Awarded for a maximum period of four years as of the school’s first application, this label acknowledges NEOMA’s significant commitments to sustainable development and social responsibility.

Since 2015, the label DD&RS (Développement Durable et Responsabilité Sociétale, or “Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility”) for higher education covers 17 sustainable development goals (SDG) as defined by the United Nations.

It is structured around five areas of focus, and NEOMA has shown its commitment to contributing to the institution’s major developments on each subject. The key points recognised by the team of auditors are:

  • Strategy and governance: The consistency of the NEOMA’s CSR strategy, steered by a specific department, and its complete integration into the school’s overall strategy
  • Education and teaching: The major integration of the DD&RS concerns into the educational offer and the school’s association/student society life, including the NEOMACT student commitment programme
  • Research and innovation: The research produced in direct connection with the 17 sustainable development goals, particularly the Areas of Excellence The World We Want and Future of Work and the Chair in Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development
  • Environment: The quality and drive behind the school’s “sustainable campus” policy
  • Social policy: Student scholarships, support programmes such as the Wellness Centre, the training of staff for DD&RS issues, such as through the application of the 2 Tonnes workshop also received acknowledgment.

“The DD&RS label-granting committee underscored the relevance of the NEOMA strategy, and we are proud to have earned this label”, said Delphine Manceau, NEOMA school dean. “It underpins our environmental and social impact ambitions, which is in keeping with the “Engage For Society” component of our strategic plan”.

Associated programme

MSc Sustainability Transformations

Become a change-maker for a sustainable future
  • Full time
  • 15 months
  • Reims