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When you first connect to the NEOMA BS website, a banner at the bottom of your screen informs you that information relating to your browsing may be saved in cookie files. Our cookie management policy can help you better understand the browsing provisions that we apply on our website. It describes in particular all of the cookies found on our website, their purpose and outlines the process for configuring them.

General information on the cookies found on the NEOMA BS website

As editor of this website, NEOMA BS may install a cookie on the hard disk of your device (computer, tablet, mobile phone, etc.) in order to guarantee smooth, optimal browsing on our website.

Cookies are small text files that we use to recognise your computer, tablet or mobile phone for the purposes of personalising the services that we offer you.

The information collected through cookies is used exclusively for our own needs in order to improve our website’s interactivity and performance and to provide you with adapted content. None of this information is communicated to third parties unless NEOMA BS receives your prior consent or when disclosing this information is required by law, is under the order of a court or any administrative or legal authority authorised to access it.

Configuration of your cookie preferences

You can accept or refuse cookies from being installed at any time.

In accordance with the CNIL’s resolution No. 2020-091 from 17 September 2020, you can rescind your approval easily and at any time through our <Cookie Management> tool, found at the bottom of each page on the website.

This tool informs you of the purpose of the different cookies found on our website and it will ask you to indicate your choice. You can rescind your approval at any time using the same tool.

a. The cookies that we use and their purposes

We use the following cookies:

Functional cookies: They allow us to improve the website’s functioning and make it more pleasant for the visitor to use. For example, we stock your connection data.

Audience measurement cookies: they are necessary for the proper functioning of the site’s ecosystem and day-to-day administration. You may refuse the use of these cookies at any time by clicking on the following link: Deactivate audience measurement cookies

The NEOMA Business School site also uses audience measurement cookies which go beyond these purposes, enabling us to improve user experience and navigation on our site and to collect statistics such as:

  • Number of unique visitors
  • Frequency with which users visit the site
  • Which pages visitors consult
  • How long users spend on a particular page
  • The page from which visitors leave the site

As these cookies are not strictly necessary, they are subject to your consent, which you are invited to give or refuse on your first visit to http://neoma-bs.com . Please go to the Cookie Management page to -modify your choice.

Tracking cookies: They are used to analyse your browsing and your consultation or consumption habits on the network’s websites in order to offer you targeted advertising or personalised services. The established profile based on this data is not connected to your name, address, email address, etc., but is only used to match advertising with your profile so that it is as relevant to you as possible. We request your consent for these types of cookies. They will not be installed without your approval.

Cookies linked to social networks: They allow social networks to save the articles and pages that you share through their share buttons. They can also contain tracking cookies that track your internet browsing behaviour.

Website improvement cookies: They are used to test different versions of an internet page in order to know which page has the best use.

Depending on the type of cookie in question, a request for your consent at the time the cookie is installed or read may be needed.

b. Cookies exempt from approval

According to the guidelines from the French National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CNIL), certain cookies are exempt from obtaining your prior approval insofar as they are strictly necessary for the website’s functioning or for the exclusive purpose of permitting or facilitating electronic communication. This includes session identifier cookies, authentication cookies, load-balancing cookies as well as interface-personalisation cookies. These cookies are subject to this policy to the extent that they are issued and managed by NEOMA BS.

c. The cookies that require your prior consent

This requirement concerns third-party cookies that are characterised as persistent insofar as they remain on your device until they are erased or their expiry date is reached.

As these cookies come from third parties, their installation and use are subject to their own privacy policies, which you will find in a link below. This group of cookies includes traffic measurement cookies as well as social network share cookies (particularly Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn).

The traffic measurement cookies establish statistics that record how various website elements are used and how often (such as the content/pages that you visited). This data contributes to the improvement of the NEOMA BS website’s ease of use. A traffic measurement tool is used on this website.

The social networks’ share cookies are issued and managed by the editor of the social network in question. Subject to your approval, these cookies allow you to easily share a part of the content published on the NEOMA BS website, particularly through the share button depending on the social network concerned. Four types of the social network’s share cookies are found on the NEOMA BS website:

d. You have various cookie configuring tools

At any time you can learn about your cookies and accept or refuse them by going onto the <Cookie Management> tool located on the bottom of each page of the website.

Also, most web browsers are configured by default in such a way that cookies must be authorised before they are installed. Your browser offers you the means to modify these standard settings so that all cookies are routinely rejected or only a certain amount of cookies are accepted or refused based on the issuing party.

We would like to bring your attention to the fact that refusing to allow cookies to be installed on your device may nevertheless alter your user experience as well as your access to certain services or features on this website. If so, NEOMA BS assumes no responsibility concerning the consequences linked to the decline in your browsing conditions that occur due to your choice to refuse, delete or block the cookies required for the website to function. These consequences cannot be considered as damage and you cannot seek out any compensation for this occurrence.

Your browser also allows you to delete the cookies still found on your device or alerts you when new cookies may be installed on your device. These settings will not affect your browsing, but you will lose all the benefits that the cookies provide.

Please learn about the various tools provided to you below so that you can configure the cookies installed on your device.

e. Your web browser’s settings

Each web browser offers its own cookie management settings. To know how to change your cookie preferences, you will find links below that provide the necessary help for accessing your browser menu set up for this purpose:

For more comprehensive information about cookie control tools, you can consult the CNIL website: https://www.cnil.fr/fr/cookies-les-outils-pour-les-maitriser.

For any questions or requests for additional information relating to this cookie policy, please contact us directly at: dpo@neoma-bs.fr.