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Faculty & Research

Areas of Excellence: a 360° expertise for an impactful Research

    The Future of Work


    How work and organisations will change in the coming decade?

    Digital transformation, shift towards more democratic and meaningful work: the socio-technological environment of organisations is strongly evolving. Research in this Area of Excellence (AE) analyses these changes and how they will impact work and organisations to support managers in their endeavor to shape the organisations of the future.


    "We see this AE as a supportive space to develop strong, meaningful research relationships. Workshops, reading groups, events, and collective research projects will provide our members with opportunities to connect around common and interdisciplinary research interests. We also have the ambition to sustain an open-science diffusion within our community" say Birgit Schyns, Shiva Taghavi, Julien Jacqmin, Jean-Baptiste Suquet, co-coordinators of the AE.

    Allal-Chérif, O., E. Lombardo, F. Jaotombo, “Serious games for managers: Creating cognitive, financial, technological, social, and emotional value in in-service training”, Journal of Business Research, July 2022, vol. 146, pp. 166-175

    BENITEZ, J., L. RUIZ, A. POPOVIC, "Impact of mobile technology-enabled HR gamification on employee performance: An empirical investigation", Information and Management, Juin 2022, vol. 59, no. 4.

    LAGOWSKA, U., F. SOBRAL, G. TAVARES, "Joint Effects of Shared and Transformational Leadership on Performance in Street-Level Bureaucracies: Evidence from the Educational Sector", Public Administration Review, May 2022.

    JULLIOT, C., M. LENGLET, A. ROUQUET, "Peut-on appliquer la fiction aux sciences de gestion ?", Revue Française de Gestion, May 2022, vol. 48, no. 303, pp. 71-84

    JULLIOT, C., M. LENGLET, A. ROUQUET, "La fiction comme stratégie organisationnelle", Revue Française de Gestion, June 2022, vol. 48, no. 304, pp. 29-41

    PEREIRA, V., A. BEHL, N. JAYAWARDENA, B. LAKER, Y. K. DWIVEDI, S. BHARDWAJ, "The art of gamifying digital gig workers: a theoretical assessment of evaluating engagement and motivation", Production Planning and Control, June 2022.

    GAUGLITZ, I., B. SCHYNS, T. FEHN, A. SCHÜTZ, "The Dark Side of Leader Narcissism: The Relationship Between Leaders' Narcissistic Rivalry and Abusive Supervision", Journal of Business Ethics, June 2022 (FT). 

     BEHL, A., V. PEREIRA, A. VARMA, S. TARBA, "Guest editors’ overview essay:Exploring the dark side of electronic-human resource management: towards a new PROMPT model", International Journal of Manpower, Avril 2022, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 1-11.

     SCHILLING, J., B. SCHYNS, D. MAY, "When your leader just does not make any sense: Conceptualizing inconsistent leadership", Journal of Business Ethics, Avril 2022.

     SCHYNS B.,., I. GAUGLITZ, B. WISSE, A. SCHUETZ, “How to mitigate destructive leadership – Human resources-practices that mitigate Dark Triad leaders’ destructive tendencies” in Overcoming bad leadership in organizations: A handbook for leaders, talent management professionals, and psychologists (The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Professional Practice Series)., D. Lusk & T. Hayes Ed., Oxford University Press, pp. 251-273, 2022.

    PEREIRA, V., LAKER, B., , P. BUDHWAR, A. MALIK, "The Surprising Impact of Meeting-Free Days" in MIT Sloan Management Review , January 2022

    NAVAK, S., BUDHWAR, P., PEREIRA, V.. and MALIK, A. (2021), “Exploring the dark-side of E-HRM: a study of social networking sites and deviant workplace behavior,” International Journal of Manpower, Available online.

    BUNJAK, A., M. CERNE, A. POPOVIC, "Absorbed in technology but digitally overloaded: Interplay effects on gig workers' burnout and creativity", Information and Management, December 2021, vol. 58, no. 8

    PAILLE P.; V. FRANCOEUR, "Enabling employees to perform the required green tasks through support and empowerment", in Journal of Business Research, November 2021

    MIROWSKA A.,  R.  B. CHIU , R.  D. HACKETT, "The Allure of Tyrannical Leaders: Moral Foundations, Belief in a Dangerous World, and Follower Gender", in Journal of Business Ethics, October 2021

    GHOSH, V., T. SENGUPTA, G. NARAYANAMURTHY, A. ISHIZAKA, "Examining collective creative self-efficacy as a competency indicator of group talent management: a study of SMEs in an emerging economy", International Journal of Human Resource Management, October 2021, pp. 1-31

    HUDSON, S., H. GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ, "Can impostors thrive at work? The impostor phenomenon's role in work and career outcomes", Journal of Vocational Behavior, August 2021, no. 128, pp. 10-36

    SRIVASTAVA, P. R., K. SENGUPTA, A. KUMAR, B. BISWAS, A. ISHIZAKA, "Post-epidemic factors influencing customer's booking intent for a hotel or leisure spot: an empirical study", Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Juillet 2021. 

    HAMMOND, M., B. SCHYNS, G. VOGELGESANG, R. CLAPP-SMITH, J.  S. THOMAS, "The Romance of Leadership: Rekindling the fire through replication of Meindl and Ehrlich", Leadership Quarterly, June 2021

    BREEVAART, K., B. WISSE, B. SCHYNS, "Trapped at Work: The Barriers Model of Abusive Supervision", Academy of Management Perspectives, June 2021

    SCHNEIDER, A., D. SUBRAMANIAN, J. -B. SUQUET, P. UGHETTO, "Situating service work in action: A review and a pragmatist agenda for analysing interactive service work", International Journal of Management Reviews, May 2021

    TIAN, A.  Y., M.  F. AHAMMAD, S.  Y. TARBA, V. PEREIRA, A. ARSLAN, Z. KHAN, "Investigating employee and organizational performance in a cross-border acquisition—A case of withdrawal behavior", Human Resource Management, February 2021

    BAMEL, N., V. PEREIRA, U. BAMEL, G. CAPPIELLO, "Knowledge management within a strategic alliances context: past, present and future", Journal of Knowledge Management, February 2021

    ROUQUET, A., J.-B.SUQUET, "Knocking sovereign customers off their pedestals? When contact staff educate, amateurize, and penalize deviant customers", Human Relations, August 2020

    KIM, D., C.VANDENBERGHE, "Ethical Leadership and Team Ethical Voice and Citizenship Behavior in the Military: The Roles of Team Moral Efficacy and Ethical Climate", Group and Organization Management, May 2020, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 514-555

    LEE, S. H., K.MELLAHI, M. J.MOL, V.PEREIRA, "No-Size-Fits-All: Collaborative Governance as an Alternative for Addressing Labour Issues in Global Supply Chains", Journal of Business Ethics, March 2020, vol. 162, no. 2, pp. 291-305

    HUDSON, S., H.GONZALEZ GOMEZ, C.CLAASEN, "Legitimacy, Particularism and Employee Commitment and Justice", Journal of Business Ethics, 2019, vol. 157, no. 3, pp. 589-603

    BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "(Self-)Regulation of Sharing Economy Platforms through Partial Meta Organization", Journal of Business Ethics, November 2019, vol. 159, no. 4, pp. 961-976

    SCHYNS, B., B., M.WISSE, S.SANDERS, "Shady Strategic Behavior: Recognizing Strategic Behavior of Dark Triad Followers", Academy of Management Perspectives, June 2019, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 234-249

    JACQMIN, J., M.LEFEBVRE, "Does sector-specific experience matter? The case of European higher education ministers", Research Policy, June 2016, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 987-998

    Method Workshop - June from 21 to 23, 2022 on Reims Campus- Ashlee Humphreys’ from Northwestern University animate a methodological workshop on automated textual data analysis and she will present her ongoing research on the transformation of the wine market by “rebel” French producers. 

    Research Talk Thursday, May 12, 2022 - Reims Campus and Online - Prof. Pedro Neves (Nova School of Business and Economics) Killing me softly – A collection of studies exploring the relationship between supervisor incivility and emotional exhaustion”.

    Research Talk Monday, April 25, 2022 Reims Campus and Online, Henri Schildt (Aalto University): Toxic authenticity in volunteer-driven organizations.

    Workshop on causal inference in management research, Thursday March 10, 2022, - Paris Campus Julien Jacqmin & Sirio Lonati Wondering what’s the idea behind a diff-in-diff design? What is so "natural" about natural-experimental methods? Willing to learn about the instrumental variable or the regression discontinuity design approach?.

    Editors Talk – February 3, 2022- Daniel May, Freie Universität Berlin and he will talk about his research related to the future of leadership and Vijay Pereira (NEOMA) “The Surprising Impact of Meeting-Free Days,” his latest article published in MIT Sloan Management Review

    Paper presentation – November 25, 2021 - Jean-Baptiste Suquet: Reims retail digital transformation : organising a digital consumption ecosystem and Anita Starzyk: Changing certainties - how employees in companies experience them and how to manage them.

    Project review workshop - December 16, 2021 - Introductory word by Olli-Pekka Kauppila (director of the AE); Long presentation by Shiva Taghavi and Helena Gonzalez (“Don’t shoot the messenger? A morality- and gender-based approach to gossip recipients’ toward senders”); Short presentation by Julien Jacqmin (Topic on the edtech sector).

    Roundtable - December 16, 2021 - Discussion about interacting with the press about our research.

    Research Workshop - October 28, 2021 – Paris Campus – Research incubator, reading group, and roundtable around Open Science


    Examples of courses linked to this Area include: "Deep Dive in Leadership", "Leadership and Organisations Development", "Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World" (e-learning module), "Human Resource Management", "Human Resource Management" (e-learning module), "Digital Transformation and Change Management", "Management and Organisation", ""Designing and Managing Organisations in a Digital Era", "Designing and Managing Organisations in a Digital Era" (e-learning module), "Agile Business Models and Organisations"


    Industry events

    Aurélien Rouquet and Jean-Baptiste Suquet win the first prize of the SYNTEC Awards 2021

    Their paper "Knocking sovereign customers off their pedestals? When contact staff educate, amateurize, and penalize deviant customers", was published in Human Relations. A summary of their research is featured in Harvard Business Review (French edition)


    Participation of Jean-Baptiste SUQUET in a debate with practitioners on managing customers with deviant behaviors

    The aim of this webinar was to present the results of the study conducted in collaboration with Aurélien ROUQUET, in partnership with the AMARC (association pour le management de la réclamation client), and recently awarded recognition by Syntec Conseil and the FNEGE


    Chairs, partners, and funded projects

    The area includes two externally funded research projects: Vista-AR (Interreg, EU), whose goal is to analyse the impact of augmented reality on heritage sites, and Transformation of Retail after COVID (Grand Reims), whose is goal is to anticipate the mutations of retail in the post-pandemic era.


    Rachel Beaujolin gives her feedback on a unique pedagogical experience, the Deep Dive into Leadership, an initiative designed in partnership with FERRERO. Watch video

    Dealing with dark leadership behaviour

    Birgit SCHYNS's paper 'Shady Strategic Behavior: Recognizing Strategic Followership of Dark Triad Followers' co-authored with Barbara WISSE (University of Groningen and Durham University Business School) and Stacey SANDERS (University of Groningen) published in June, 2019 in Academy of Management Perspectives, have been relayed in Academy of Management Insight online magazine dedicated to managers and business leaders and several other media (e.g., theHRDIRECTORcompaniesdigest.comworkplaceinsight.net, employer news, Management today)

    How To Awaken Dormant Leaders

    Based on her paper "Does thinking of myself as leader make me want to lead? The role of congruence in self-theories and implicit leadership theories in motivation to lead" co-authored with Tina Kiefer (Warwick University) and Roseanne Foti (Virginia Tech) in Journal of Vocational Behavior, Birgit Schyns proposes five actions to find, wake up and develop dormant leaders in organisations. Discover them on NEOMA Blog

    How digitalisation and big data change the jobs of tomorrow

    In a FNEGE video, Riadh Manita shares his analysis of how jobs will evolve with the rise of big data and digitalization, with a focus on the finance, consulting, and audit industries. Watch video

    Key facts

    • 65+ research projects
    • 20+ internal and external funded projects
    • 35+ professors
    • 67+ courses

    Chairs, partners and financed projects

    Vista-AR/ Interreg (EU)
    Transformation of retail after COVID / Grand Reims