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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

Five NEOMA professors have contributed to the edited volume Ecological Money and Finance, Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Financial Systems, which has recently been added to the collections in the Climate Economics and Finance Library at the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

Sharam Alijani, Charles Daussy, Catherine Karyotis, Marc Lenglet and Antoine Souchaud, professors at NEOMA, contributed to this highly valued book on societal transformations, published in April 2023 under the aegis of United Nations SDSN (Sustainable Development Solutions Network), in an effort to mobilise scientific and technical expertise worldwide in support of practical sustainable development solutions and sustainable development goals (SDG). (unsdsn.org)

In January 2024, the book received the Financial TimesResponsible Business Education Awards 2024.

Ecological Money and Finance, 1st ed. 2023, Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Financial Systems – Coordinator: Lagoarde-Segot Thomas – 04-2023 – Lavoisier pulisher.

Publisher’s presentation

This book provides a detailed overview of ecological money and finance. The functioning and development of the monetary and financial systems are analysed in relation to sustainability constraints to highlight the actions required to meet the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. Empirical case studies are utilized to give insight into the failure of the traditional financial system, with ways in which they can be overcome also considered. This book adopts a pluralist perspective to revisit the foundations of financial and monetary economics from a sustainability perspective, and examines the economic and financial instruments that can be used to combat ecological challenges. It will be relevant to students and researchers interested in ecological economics and sustainable finance.