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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

NEOMA at the 8th place in the ranking published today by Change NOW and Les Echos Start of the business and engineering schools most committed to the environmental and societal transition.  

This ranking assesses the following 6 areas:

  • The depth of impact within programmes (courses, dedicated programmes, chairs and research activities)  
  • The alumni network in impact related jobs
  • The school’s strategy and exemplarity
  • Diversity and inclusivity
  • Involvement of student organisations
  • Academic excellence and employability.

NEOMA scores well on:

  • The proportion of courses that include environmental and social topics
  • The number of researchers working on environmental and social transition issues
  • The number of graduates working in high-impact sectors.

“This result illustrates NEOMA’s commitment to the environmental and social transition and pays tribute to the school’s many initiatives to meet these challenges.” Delphine Manceau, Dean, says.