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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

An exceptional conference-debate with Jean-Marc Jancovici, one of the most recognised experts on the energy/climate issue, was held on 1 December 2022 on the Reims campus of NEOMA Business School. Organised by NEOMA, the student society NEORATEUR and the Urban Planning Agency of the Reims region. Find the complete video of the conference here.

How do we accelerate the transformation of education to include ecological issues?

How do you train the managers of today and tomorrow better so they play a decisive role in the transition towards a resilient, low-carbon society?

How do we make our economic activity respectful of the planetary limits?

The entire conference on video

Jean-Marc Jancovici, member of the high council for climate, one of the most recognised experts on the energy/climate issue, co-founder of the Carbone4 firm and president of the think tank The Shift Project, discussed these questions during a passionate conference « Crises climatique & énergétique, peut-on respecter l’Accord de Paris sans tout réinventer ? » (Climate and Energy Crises, Can you comply with the Paris Agreement without reinventing everything?), organised by NEOMA, the student society NEORATEUR and the Urban Planning Agency of the Reims region.

A perspective that helped all participants to collectively progress in their thinking on these important subjects.
