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Thematics :

These seminars encompass a wide range of finance-related research fields. They are held once a month on Thursdays at the NEOMA BS Paris campus (6 rue Vandrezanne – Immeuble Zenith – 75013 Paris, France). Each session typically features a research talk by an invited external researcher, and, frequently, a presentation by an internal faculty member.

Details of all past and upcoming seminars can be found below.

For inquiries about the seminar or to propose a research talk, please contact Bobo Zhang (bobo.zhang@neoma-bs.fr) and Pierre Six (pierre.six@neoma-bs.fr), Professor of Finance and Seminar Coordinator.

Scheduled seminars 2023-24

The schedule will be updated in a regular basis.

Thursday October 19th, 2:00pm – 4:00pm – NEOMA Paris Campus, Room SC301

  • 2:00pm – 3:00pm Laurent CALVET (SKEMA) – Investor Factors
  • 3:00pm – 4:00pm Gilbert CETTE (NEOMA BS) – The circular relationship between productivity and hours worked: A long-term analysis

Thursday November 9. 2:00pm, NEOMA Paris Campus, Room SC_0301

  • 2:00pm – 3:00pm Lei ZHAO (ESCP) – A Market-Level Tug of War: Asset Pricing on … Days
  • 3:00pm – 4:00pm Zhou ZHANG (NEOMA BS) – Long-term Orientation and Hedge Fund Activism

Thursday December 14. 2:00pm, Room SC_0401b

  • 2:00pm – 3:00pm Julien PENASSE (University of Luxembourg) – International capital markets and wealth transfers
  • 3:00pm – 4:00pm Tri TRINH (NEOMA BS) – The effect of cybersecurity risk on employee treatment

Thursday February 8th, 2:00pm – 3:30pm – NEOMA Paris Campus, Room TBC

  • 2:00pm – 3:30pm Paulo Jorge Reis Mourão (University of Minho) – David Playing for Saul – How Long Do Ministers Last during the Dictatorships? A study about the Portuguese case

Past seminars:


  • Abraham Lioui (EDHEC) Understanding the Carbon Prices of Risk
  • Samuel Ouzan (NEOMA BS) Under-hedging in the oil market : an explanation based on regret theory (with P. Six, NEOMA BS)
  • Bertrand Tavin (EM Lyon) – Managing dependence risk with random Bernstein copulas
  • Jung-Hyun Ahn (NEOMA BS) Green bond effects on CDS market (with S. Attaoui, NEOMA BS and J. Fouquau, ESCP)
  • Paul KAREHNKE (ESCP) Long-Horizon Betas
  • Sora KIM (NEOMA BS) The origins and impacts of uncertainty
  • Swaminathan BALASUBRAMANIAM (NEOMA BS) Hoarding, stockouts and inflation
  • Moez BENNOURI (Montpellier Business School) Women on Board: Gender balance initiatives and their impact on board structure and firm performance
  • Messaoud CHIBANE (NEOMA BS) How naive is naive diversification?
  • Vesa PURSIAINEN (University of St. Gallen) – Retail Customer Reactions to Private Equity Acquisitions
  • Ghassen BOUSLAMA (NEOMA BS) – Let Them Grow Fast through Smart Credit Rationing: The Impact of Credit rationing on High-Growth Firms
  • Paolo MAZZA (IÉSEG) – The race for carbon pricing amongst firm
  • Xiaoxiong HU (NEOMA BS) – Equity Financing, Equity Lending, and Price Pressure: The Case of DRIP Arbitrage
  • Laurent BACH (ESSEC) – Why Women Earn Lower Real Estate Return
  • Hyung-Eun CHOI (NEOMA BS) – Do analysts respect founders over heirs? Evidence from earnings conference calls, analysts’ reports, and the stock market


  • Xiaoxiong HU (NEOMA BS) “Local Political Preference and Green Municipal Bonds”
  • Marti G. Subrahmanyam (NYU), “How Sovereign is Sovereign Credit Risk? Global Prices, Local Quantities” (with P. Augustin, V. Sokolovski, and D. Tomio)
  • Mungo Wilson (Oxford Univ. Saïd BS), “The Lost CAPM”
  • Pierre Six (NEOMA BS) “A refinement of the fundamental of futures prices in the oil market”
  • Olivier Le Courtois (EM Lyon), “On the Diversification of Fixed Income Assets”
  • Sébastien Lleo (NEOMA BS), “Jump-Diffusion Risk-Sensitive Benchmarked Asset Management with Traditional and Alternative Data”
  • Armin Schwienbacher (SKEMA BS), “Private Equity Debt Funds: Who Wins, Who Loses?”
  • Sara Ain Tommar (NEOMA BS), “The big quit”
  • Julien Fouquau (ESCP), “A Green Wave in Media, a Change of Tack in Stock Markets” 
  • Messaoud Chibane (NEOMA BS), “Can Volatility Predict Social Performance?”
  • Kevin Aretz (Manchester Univ. ), “Technological Progress, Managerial Learning, and the Investment-to-Stock Price Sensitivity” – Session  jointly organised by  the Department of Finance and the Area of Excellence The Complexity Advantage of NEOMA.
  • Antoine Noël (NEOMA BS), “Institutional Rules, Bidding Behavior and Performance in the Treasury Market”
  • Vikas Agarwal (Georgia State Univ.), “Birth order and fund manager’s trading behavior: Role of sibling rivalry” – Session jointly organised by  the Department of Finance and the Area of Excellence The Complexity Advantage of NEOMA.
  • Sylvain Carré (Paris-Dauphine), “Security and Liquidity in Proof-of-Stake DeFi Protocols” (with Franck Gabriel, EPFL)
  • Jung-Hyun Ahn (NEOMA BS), “Banking competition on the deposit market during the financial crisis”
  • Hubert de la Bruslerie (Paris-Dauphine), “The Dynamics of Leverage of newly controlled Target Firms: Evidence after an Acquisition”
  • Wenbin Cao (NEOMA BS) ”Financing Innovation under Ambiguity and Skewness”
  • Conference on Sustainable Finance. Organised by Finance for Good sub-area of the World We Want Area of Excellence and the Finance Department. Learn more
  • Artashes Karapetyan (ESSEC), “Inefficient Regulation: mortgages versus total credit” – Session jointly organised by  the Department of Finance and the Area of Excellence The Complexity Advantage.


During the Covid 19 Pandemic, the seminar has been held online, and on a 1 presentation per session basis.

  • Zhou Zhang (NEOMA BS) “Optimism, Investment Timing and Valuation in Duopoly”
  • Sébastien Lleo (NEOMA BS) Exploring Breaks in the Distribution of Stock Returns: Empirical Evidence from Apple Inc.” (with W.T. Ziemba and J. Li)
  • Elise Gourier (ESSEC) “How Real are Real Assets?”
  • Marc Lenglet (NEOMA BS) & Yuval Millo (Warwick BS) “Conflicts of interests as organizational paradoxes: An ethnography of spatial arrangements and opportunistic strategies on the financial trading floor”
  • Hyung-Eun Choi (NEOMA BS) “State-Level Economic Conditions, Local Sentiment, and Corporate Bond Credit Spreads”
  • Fabio Bertoni (SKEMA BS) “Long-term effects of loan guarantees on SME performance”
  • Olga Kolokolova (Manchester Univ.) “On the other side of hedge fund equity trades”
  • Ran Tao (NEOMA BS) “Inter-firm Spread of Corporate Social Responsibility”
  • Gilbert Cette (Banque de France) “The Impact of ICTs and Digitalization on Productivity and Labor Share: Evidence from French firms”
  • Olivier Dessaint (INSEAD) “Does Alternative Data Improve Financial Forecasting? The Horizon Effect”
  • Eric de Bodt (Caltech & NHH Norwegian School of Economics) “Rivals’ Return”
  • Bobo Zhang (NEOMA BS) “The Geopolitical Uncertainty Premium”
  • Evgeny Lyandres (Tel Aviv Univ.) “Competition and Product Quality: Fake Trading on Crypto Exchanges”
  • Peiran Guo (PhD NEOMA BS) “Financial Sophistication and Portfolio Decisions: the Case of Chinese Household”
  • Wenhong Ding (NEOMA BS) “Board of directors and information locality”


  • Gilles Chemla (Imperial College) – ”Equilibrium counterfactuals” (with Christopher Hennessy)
  • Sara Ain Tommar (NEOMA BS) – “What does the individual mobility of private equity professionals tell us about performance?”
  • Mark Shackleton (Lancaster Univ.) “What Drives a Firm’s ES Performance? Evidence from Stock Returns.”
  • Arash Aloosh (NEOMA BS) – “Off-chain trading puzzle”
  • Vincent Bignon (Banque de France), Régis Breton (Banque de France), Clement Mazet-Sonilhac (Banque de France),  Guillaume Roulleau (ENS Paris Saclay): “Read my Lips: Dividend and Language on the US Stock Market”
  • Marco Gazel (NEOMA BS) “Backers’ prosocial motives to crowdfund artistic projects: experimental evidence” (with Anna Bernard)
  • François Derrien (HEC Paris) – “Reputation and Capital Structure: Evidence from Customer Reviews in the Restaurant Industry” (with Alexandre Garel, Arthur Petit-Romec and Jean-Philippe Weisskopf)
  • Julien Jacqmin (NEOMA BS) “The signalling effect of self-regulatory standards: The case of French business schools”
  • Samia Belaounia & Laura Trinchera (NEOMA BS)  “Creditor rights as a moderator in the relation between internationalisation and capital structure”
  • Patrice Poncet (ESSEC) “A Political CAPM”
  • Messaoud Chibane & Gabriel Giménez-Roche (NEOMA BS) “Crisis-emergent asset co-movement: The problem of latent correlation”
  • Tri TRINH (NEOMA BS) “Living in the Sin City: Local Corruption and Institutional Trading”
  • Wenbin Cao (NEOMA BS) “Capital Structure and the Optimal Payment Methods in Acquisitions”
  • Eser Arisoy (NEOMA BS) “Eponymous Hedge Funds” (with Vikas Agarwal (Georgia State University) and Tri Trinh (NEOMA BS).


  • Hubert de La Bruslerie  (Univ. Paris-Dauphine) “Creditor’s holdup and the setting of private appropriation in a control contract between shareholders”
  • Ran Tao (NEOMA BS) “Fundraising under Two-Dimensional Asymmetric Information: The Case of Mindless Donations”
  • Roméo Tédongap (ESSEC) “Disappointment Aversion, Term Structure, and  Pedictability Puzzles in Bond Markets”
  • Messaoud Chibane & Samuel Ouzan (NEOMA BS) “Value Bubbles”
  • Christophe Pérignon (HEC Paris) “What If Dividends Were Tax‐Exempt? Evidence from a Natural Experiment”
  • Jung-Hyun Ahn (NEOMA BS) “Bank Liquidity Management, Collateral Quality and Policies”
  • Ngoc-Sang PHAM (Montpellier BS) “Credit limits and heterogeneity in general equilibrium models with a  finite number of agents”
  • Hong Zhao (NEOMA BS) “Why Do Boards Let Their CEOs Take Outside Directorships? Entrenchment and Embeddedness”
  • Philip Valta (Univ. of Bern) “The Informational Content of M&A Announcements: Evidence from Peers’ Revaluation”
  • Eser Arisoy (NEOMA BS) “Do Stock Markets Really Care About Skewness?”
  • Pedro Gete (IE Business School) “The Dynamic Effects of Investors in Housing Markets”
  • David Hyun (NEOMA BS) “Politically Connected Outside Directors and the Value of Cash Holdings”
  • Yann Braouezec (IESEG) “Strategic fire-sale and price-mediated contagion in the banking”
  • Ghassen Bouslama (NEOMA BS) “Internationalization versus Multinationalization: What effects on the French SMEs’ Access to Bank loans?”
  • Sébastien Galanti (Univ. Orléans) “Investment and financial constraints: Does analyst coverage matter?”
  • Antoine Noël (NEOMA BS) “Sovereign Debt Auction Method and Issuance Cost: Evidence from Iceland”
  • Florina Silaghi (UAB) “Agency Problems in Public-Private-Partnerships Investment Projects”
  • Sami Attaoui & Wenbin Cao (NEOMA BS) “Optimal Capital Structure, Ambiguity Aversion, and Leverage Puzzles”


  • Guillaume Vuillemey (HEC Paris), “How do banks grow? Adverse selection and market structure”
  • Sora Kim (NEOMA BS), “Follow Me on Twitter: Attracting Mutual Fund Investor Attention through Social Media”
  • Linus Siming (Audencia), “Debt Structure and Credit Ratings”
  • Wenbin Cao (NEOMA BS), “The Early Exercise Premium in American Option Prices”
    Sarah Mouabbi (Banque de France) “Measuring inflation anchoring and uncertainty: A US and euro area comparison”
  • Arash Aloosh (NEOMA BS), “Currency Factors (with G. Bekaert)”
  • Tamara Nefedova (Université Paris-Dauphine), “Trading Out of Sight: An Analysis of Cross-Trading in Mutual Fund Families”
  • Nathalie Janson & Gabriel Giménez Roche (NEOMA BS), “From conventional to unconventional monetary policies: The consequences of the market-maker-of-last-resort role”
  • Lei Zhao (ESCP), “Credit Risk “Beta”: an analysis of the systematic component of bank default risk”
  • Samuel OUZAN (NEOMA BS), “System 1, System 2, and Speculative Trading”
  • Franck Moraux (Université de Rennes), “On the contingent corporate decisions to invest or to disinvest”
  • Antoine Noël (NEOMA BS), “Footnote Information Accuracy: Evidence from the Reported Dividend Yield”
  • Donatien Hainaut (UCL): “A Self-Excited Switching Jump Diffusion (SESJD): properties, calibration and hitting time”
  • Messaoud Chibane (NEOMA BS), “Distorted Beliefs, Rare Disasters and Asset Prices”
  • Sabrina Buti (Université Paris-Dauphine): “An introduction to Dark Pools”
  • Bryan Lee (NEOMA BS): “Chief Accounting Officer and Accounting Conservatism”