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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

NEOMA-jardin-participatif 2021
NEOMA-jardin-participatif 2021

The CSR Committee of NEOMA was created in 2019, driven by students and colleagues wishing to work towards strengthening the School’s community involvement. It was launched by Delphine Manceau in November 2020, and focussed on 3 areas: Sustainable Campus, Diversity, and Teaching and Research. The Green Campus Committee presents a review of the projects and mechanism set up in 2020/2021.

Creating an interactive garden in Rouen

Since March 2020, students, professors and colleagues at NEOMA have been able to work together creating a kitchen garden and nature sanctuary on the Rouen campus. Launched in partnership with Les Cocottes Urbaines, a local enterprise that combines consultants in intensive organic agriculture, permaculture and gardening, this garden has been created with a focus on conserving biodiversity.

Removing individual dustbins

Individual bins may look practical but overall they are ineffective, so they have now been removed from the campuses and replaced by sorting containers. There are many reasons for removing the bins: more efficient sorting, better recycling, awareness-raising of the amount of waste produced, and helping the cleaning staff with their work.


On 8 April 2021, the student association Ethika and the CSR Committee of NEOMA organised a digital version of the 4th GREEN DAY, to raise awareness and inspire the students. GREEN DAY, students making a commitment to the environment

Digital clean up: operation Detox mail

For the second consecutive year, the Green Campus Committee hoped to raise the awareness of colleagues and professors about digital pollution by reminding them of a few tips and good practice concerning emails: promoting links to shared documents rather than attachments, favouring low definition attachments, talking more by telephone or Teams, meeting in person when possible, limiting use of ‘Reply all’, unsubscribing from mailing-lists, deleting unwanted emails, regularly emptying the inbox/outbox and emptying the recycle bin.

The Ornithological Group of Normandy visits the Rouen Campus

Le-Groupe-Ornithologique-Normand-en-visite-sur-le-Campus-de-Rouen de NEOMA

On Saturday 20 March, representatives from GONm, the Ornithological Group of Normandy, were welcomed to the Rouen campus of NEOMA. The purpose of this association is to observe, study and protect wild birds and their habitat and at this first meeting they were able to identify the species to be found on our Rouen campus: great tits, magpies, crows, starlings, wood pigeons, turtledoves, wrens, jays, blackbirds and chiffchaffs.

Collecting office equipment for children with ‘dys’abilities

For this operation, the School joined forces with PRÉSÉDYS, which in French stands for ‘For Success in Higher Education for Students with a ‘Dys’ Condition’. This association was set up in 2015 by a student who had dyslexia, dysgraphia and dysorthographia. The aim was for us to empty the drawers of our offices to collect materials containing plastic, which would go to finance the purchase of portable scanners for children affected by ‘Dys’ conditions.

And here you can find a review of the Diversity Committee.