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NEOMA Hakathon avec Dataiku en data analytics
NEOMA Hakathon avec Dataiku en data analytics

The students of the NEOMA advanced master in Marketing and Data Analytics programme ended their year with a Hakathon with Dataiku, a French unicorn company and Data Science specialist. A look back at these three intensive days.

“The first day was devoted to discovering and using Dataiku DSS, an integrated development platform for data professionals that efficiently converts data into predictions,” explains Françoise Collard, Head of NEOMA advanced master in Marketing and Data Analytics programme Programme. The objective for the students being to take the Core Designer and ML Practitioner certifications. Over the next two days, 14 teams were involved in a competition that involved working on a database and “Predicting the customer satisfaction score” followed by a presentation of marketing recommendations to improve customer satisfaction.

Jérémie and Gaëlle, Data Scientists at Dataiku, headed the Hackathon and spoke about their experience: “The MS students displayed excellent analytical and creative skills over the course of these 2 days as they quickly became competent using Dataiku DSS. They demonstrated excellent analytical skills as they presented their results and proposed relevant marketing levers, in both a strategic and operational sense.”

The students also appreciated this end-of-year exercise. For Pierre, the hackathon was “a rewarding experience that combined all the skills required by a Data Analyst in a challenging environment that really pushed us surpass ourselves.” For Hazel’s team, “it was a great way to end this year by using a realistic case and put into practice all the skills we have acquired during the MS programme. This Hackathon was really challenging, rewarding in terms of learning via a new platform and extremely useful from a professional perspective above all.”

Associated programme

Mastère Spécialisé (MS) Marketing & Data Analytics

This part-time programme taught in French aims to train experts who can harness the power of data for marketing intelligence and performance.
  • Part time
  • 12 months
  • Paris