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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

In terms of start-up creations, a clear trend is emerging: that of mobility. From plane-sharing, to the space train and electric scooter-sharing, innovation in this sector is booming. How is it possible to explain this impulse ?

Statistically, a significant number of new startups will focus on mobility because it is a key and prevailing issue in our daily lives. Mobility is a long-term trend because it affects 100% of all sectors: from cosmetics to agriculture and personal services


Another phenomenon has recently strengthened this impetus. Many companies provide a service related to mobility and logistics, although their trade name suggests otherwise. I am thinking in particular of two companies in Rouen, Potimarron (an online market) and Alternoo (a local organic online grocery store), both specialising in food products, but whose service is largely based on delivery and therefore mobility. 

A need for increased mobility which offers great opportunities

All economic sectors can see their mobility needs increasing in general. Large transport companies such as DHL or UPS are continually required to improve their quality of service and optimise their delivery times and costs in order to best meet their customers’ needsTo do so, they are introducing new devices: applications, services or products, management software, even tracking. The environment is in constant flux and this opens up a whole field of opportunity and range of possibilities for start-ups, who bring solutions that reflect the demand from consumers and companies


Finally, to conclude and to encourage reflection, I would like to add this personal question: we have never had so many efficient means of transport, and yet we have never spent as much time travelling in the entire history of humanity. We have to go faster and further, but what forWhat if new mobility was measured in terms of Gross National Happiness rather than Gross National Product?   

To support the development of the business model on the Accelerator programme, we have added questions of social utility, impact measurement and the entrepreneur’s personal objectives.  A means to achieving “total success” for the company, namely fast and responsible growth. 

By Gwendal Rozier, Head of NEOMA Mobility Accelerator