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It has been a hectic start to the new school year for Prépa’Remois with the organisation of training sessions for new members and the first workshops for the Champagne region’s secondary and high school pupils with their student tutors!

Prépa’Rémois, the student society for the promotion of equal opportunities, spent the first two weeks of October recruiting and training 130 new tutors and visiting each secondary school partner to present the Cordées de la Réussite initiative to the participating pupils and their families.

“The training session for new tutors is an opportunity to meet and greet them all and present a more detailed description of the year’s activities. We also take this opportunity to thank them for their commitment”, says Lola Habran, Prépa’Rémois President.

Since mid-October, the students have held a number of different workshops for the young pupils they are tutoring:

  • The two Lycée Roosevelt ECT (Economics, Commerce and Technology) prep. classes in Reims attended a reception in the main auditorium of NEOMA Reims campus. Following a presentation of the year’s programme, the tutors and pupils visited the Parc Léo Lagrange for a team-building activity.
  • The pupils from the Joliot Curie, François Legros, Robert Schuman, Terres Rouges, Les Indes and Jules Ferry secondary schools met their tutors at a team-building session at the trampoline park.
  • On October 16th, the pupils on the PHARES programme were accompanied by their tutors for an afternoon at the bowling alley – a great way to meet and get to know one another !

Prépa’Rémois coordinates a number of tutoring schemes in partnership with 11 schools for the benefit of 300 secondary school pupils in the Champagne region. The centres managed by the association include secondary schools, high schools (lycées), ECT Prép school classes, post-baccalaureate students and the PHARES initiative (which encourages students with disabilities to access higher education).