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Thematics :

On 21 November in Paris, the student association Déclic Entreprendre organised the TEDxNeomaBSRouen conference on the subject of “Stay or Leave”. It was an exciting evening that demanded our business school students put in long hours and do meticulous work to make it a success.

“We’re very proud of the work we did. Thanks to the speakers who contributed right up to the end and for giving us such great performances! Thanks to the two masters of ceremony, Pierre Li Cavoli and Abdallah Hassani, and for their thorough work throughout the evening! And lastly, thanks to the coach for supporting the speakers for several months up to the main event!” the association members posted on LinkedIn.



Charlotte Courtois is the founder of Konstelacio, a NGO that educates children around the world about peace and the diversity of cultures. She is also a lecturer on intercultural management and the host of the podcast “Surprises Interculturelles”. She enjoys sharing her wonder at the world with as many people as possible and building a more peaceful society that is respectful to each person. According to her, staying or leaving are inseparable.

Raphaël Maisonnier is cofounder and CEO of Fasterclass (Qualiopi certified), a training agency specialised in soft skills and incubated at STATION F (Xavier Niel’s incubator). A sport enthusiast, he recently completed the Diagonale des Fous, a 170-kilometre trail-running ultramarathon with a 10,000-metre overall vertical gain.

Guillaume Frecaut is cofounder of Kaptcher, start-up specialised in real estate and urban planning, and has been its CEO for the past three years. This literature lover (literature student at Louis le Grand, alumnus of the ENS and HEC) wants to change the world through two subjects he is passionate about: education and how we live in the world.

Géromine Flohimont is a young actor and public-speaking coach. A graduate in geopolitics from Institut de Géographie and ENS ULM and in international law from the School of Law at the Sorbonne, she has worked on the urban repercussions of the Northern Ireland conflict and the geopolitics of the luxury sector. She is currently taking professional theatre courses and working on several artistic projects.

Marc Lesage-Moretti is often described as being idle, but at the age of 19, he became a professor of preparatory classes in mathematics. He then worked for seven years at Goldman Sachs. He left his position as vice-president to enter the creator economy, first as a streamer on League of Legends and then as a pedagogic content creator for students. He is also well known under the name Jokariz!

Sébastien Mouton was a trader at JP Morgan before becoming a writer. He also became an activist for ethical capitalism, a system that aligns profits of the common good and ensures that individual efforts contribute to collective well-being. For him, it’s a way to solve modern problems, from unrestrained AI to climate change.

Thibault Lavielle is a graduate of NEOMA Business School. After completing his MiM degree with a specialisation in entrepreneurship, the alumnus was not scared away from taking over companies with revenues of several million euros. He is the founder of the student association Déclic Entreprendre.