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COURTIER Anne-Sophie

PhD, Private Law

Anne-Sophie COURTIER is Associate Professor of Law. She holds a PhD in Law and has occupied her post at NEOMA BS since 2006. She teaches in the Masters Programmes for Corporate Engineering and Legal Risks connected with business contracts and responsibilities. She has developed an innovative pedagogic programme based on Learning-by-Doing concepts that she applied to her courses and the management of the Master of Science Programme in International Project Development she is head of. In this programme, she handles the Transversal Business Project that enables students to respond to a structuring issue that a partner company has entrusted them with. She has infused her courses with her own research connected to Legal Risks in companies and has also published her research many times in peer reviewed journals. From 2017, She has been Director of MSc Programmes and also Associate Director of MIM Programme since 2019. Along with these activities, Anne-Sophie COURTIER is Presidente of the French Academy of legal studies in Business that has the objective, among others, of bringing attention to Law Research in the business schools

Areas of research

  • Legal Risks in Companies
  • Legal Strategies in Companies
  • Protecting the Entrepreneur Assets


  • BOUTHINON-DUMAS , H., A.-S.COURTIER, V.REBEYROL, "Un classement des revues juridiques", La semaine Juridique, Edition Générale, January 2016, no. 3, pp. 113-121
  • COURTIER, A.-S., "L’entreprise individuelle sans risque et le patrimoine d’affectation : le miroir aux alouettes ?", Management & Avenir, December 2014, no. 74, pp. 145-158
  • LECA, B., A.-S.COURTIER, "La responsabilité pénale des chercheurs en sciences de gestion", Revue Française de Gestion, October 2011, vol. 37, no. 216, pp. 145-159
  • COURTIER, A.-S., "La fiducie et le principe d’unité du patrimoine ", La Gazette du Palais, February 2007, vol. 127ème année, no. 14-15-16 février

Book chapter

  • COURTIER, A.-S., "Regards critiques sur le recours au patrimoine d’affectation comme palliatif du risque juridique inhérent à l’unicité du patrimoine" in Les risques en entreprise : dialogues entre la gestion et le droit., POINT S., DEHARO G. Eds, Presses Académiques Francophones, pp. 221-241, 2015
  • COURTIER, A.-S., S.HENNERON, "Du campus à l’entreprise : comment déployer une organisation juridique intégrée ? Le cas Mondelez International en France" in Penser les relations du droit et des sciences de gestion., X. Strubel et G. Deharo Ed., Collection èmes et commentaires, pp. 91-102, 2014

Academic conferences

  • BOUTHINON-DUMAS, H., A.-S.COURTIER, V.REBEYROL, G.VOSS, "La valorisation de la recherche dans une discipline particulière des sciences de gestion : le cas du droit" in Etats Généraux du Management FNEGE, 2016