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PhD, European Law

Loïc ERNEST holds a doctorate in European law from the University of Rennes 1. Today, Associate professor in the "Entrepreneurship and Strategy" department, he was successively Head of Department and then Academic Director of Reims Management School between 2005 and 2013.Today he focuses on academic subjects related to the European Union (single market, Competition Policy, etc.), Lobbying, and gastronomy (foods and wines). He has published several books, alone or in collaboration, on European business law and European Union policies. His latest contributions focus on the world of food guides (Annual meeting of Eastern Academy of Management) and on the impact of global warming on the Champagne vineyard. He was also awarded the title of Knight in the « Ordre des Palmes Académiques ».

Areas of research

  • Lobbying and ethics
  • Wine and global warming

Book chapter

  • KANYINDA-KASANDA, A., L. ERNEST, "L'impact du changement climatique et la gestion viticole en Champagne-Ardenne." in LA VIGNE et Le VIN : Transformation des filières et des acteurs., Collectif de chercheur UNIVIGNE. Ed., L'Harmattan, pp. 143-170, 2020
  • LE GUIRRIEC-MILNER, G., L.ERNEST, "L'Union Européenne incite au développement des politiques nationales en faveur de la reprise/transmission d'entreprise" in Transmission et reprise d'entreprise., GUIDICI Sylvie, COULAUD Alain Eds, Ellipses, pp. 41-48, 2008
  • LE GUIRRIEC-MILNER, G., L.ERNEST, "L'union Européenne tente de faciliter la reprise/transmission d'entreprise" in Transmission et reprise d'entreprise., GUIDICI Sylvie, COULAUD Alain Eds, Ellipses, pp. 49-55, 2008


  • LE GUIRRIEC-MILNER, G., L.ERNEST, L'Union Européenne - Ses institutions et ses politiques économiques, Gualino Lextenso Editions, Paris, France, 2008
  • LE GUIRRIEC-MILNER, G., L.ERNEST, Les politiques Européennes, Collection Mémentos LMD, 2007
  • ERNEST, L., Manuel de droit communautaire des affaires, Collection Droit et Gestion, 1995

Academic conferences

  • ERNEST, L., E.BELLOW, "Gault & Millau: Renaissance and Transformation in the World of French Gastronomy" in 2019 Annual Meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, 2019
  • KANYINDA-KASANDA, A., L.ERNEST, "L'impact du changement climatique sur la gestion viticole et la production du champagne." in Bioéconomie - Colloque SFER 2019, 2019, Reims