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PhD, Management

Samia Belaounia holds a PhD in management from Paris-Dauphine University. Associate Professor at Neoma Business School since 2001, she has more than 10 years of experience in Executive Education, addressing non-specialists but also financial managers.  Samia's main teaching areas are Financial analysis, Financial Management and Corporate valuation.  Her research focuses on the relationship between firm internationalization and capital structure, and how institutional contingencies affect this relationship. This research question is thus at the crossroads of corporate finance and international management. She is also interested in the effect of corporate governance on firm performance, and more specifically in how female representation on the board of directors and the management team affects firm value. Samia is the author of a recently published book on financial analysis and has published articles in, notably, the International Business Review and Management International (HEC Montréal).

Areas of research

  • Internationalization
  • Institutional Distance
  • Capital Structure
  • Female Representation
  • Firm Performance

Recent academic contributions

  • BELAOUNIA, S., J. FOUQUAU, "Le degré d’internationalisation : un facteur modérateur du lien entre la participation institutionnelle et la structure du capital", Finance Contrôle Stratégie, April 2023, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 1-28
    DOI : 10.4000/fcs.10449
  • BELAOUNIA, S., R. TAO, H. ZHAO, "Director foreign experience: Geographic specificity and value implication", International Review of Financial Analysis, October 2023
    DOI : 10.1016/j.irfa.2023.102998


  • BELAOUNIA, S., R. TAO, H. ZHAO, "Director foreign experience: Geographic specificity and value implication", International Review of Financial Analysis, October 2023
    DOI : 10.1016/j.irfa.2023.102998
  • BELAOUNIA, S., J. FOUQUAU, "Le degré d’internationalisation : un facteur modérateur du lien entre la participation institutionnelle et la structure du capital", Finance Contrôle Stratégie, April 2023, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 1-28
    DOI : 10.4000/fcs.10449
  • BELAOUNIA, S., R.TAO, H.ZHAO, "Women Improve Boards", BizEd, December 2020
  • BELAOUNIA, S., R. TAO, H. ZHAO, "Gender equality's impact on female directors’ efficacy: A multi-country study", International Business Review, October 2020, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 101737
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2020.101737
  • NGUYEN, P., S. BELAOUNIA, "Cultural distance and payment method in French cross-border acquisitions", Management International, December 2019, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 109-126
  • BELAOUNIA, S., T.CHTIOUI, M.NEKHILI, "The determinants of foreign location and market-entry mode by multinational banks: a simultaneous approach", Journal of Applied Business Research, May 2016, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 883-902
  • BELAOUNIA, S., J. FOUQUAU, "Internationalisation et structure du capital : une application aux entreprises chinoises cotées", Finance Contrôle Stratégie, October 2015, vol. 18, no. 3
  • BELAOUNIA, S., M.NEKHILI, "Simultaneous determination of foreign location and market entry mode by Multinational banks", International Journal of Finance and Economics, December 2013
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "L'internationalisation modère t'elle ou amplifie t'elle le lien diversification-performance? L'intérêt d'une approche contingente", Gestion 2000, October 2010, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 101-119
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "Internationalisation, diversification et performance : Une analyse sur les groupes du CAC 40", Revue Française de Gestion, April 2010, vol. 36, no. 201, pp. 13-26
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "Les normes comptables internationales: un garde fou contre les dérives possibles de l'activité bancaire?", Revue Banque, October 2008, no. 706, pp. 52-53
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "Portée de la structure organisationnelle dans la saisie empirique de la diversification", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, September 2002, no. 35, pp. 11-40
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "Liens inter-métiers et synergies opérationnelles : application à un échantillon de quinze groupes bancaires", Finance Contrôle Stratégie, December 2000, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 5-37


  • BELAOUNIA, S., Analyse financière – cours et exercices d’application, Ellipses, Paris, France, 2017

Academic conferences

  • BELAOUNIA, S., L.TRINCHERA, "Creditor rights as a moderator of the relation between firm internationalisation and capital structure" in 20th European Academy of Management EURAM Conference, 2020, Dublin, Ireland
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "Portée de la structure organisationnelle dans la saisie empirique de la diversification" in 11ème conférence de l'Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS), 2002, France
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "La diversité sectorielle : un indicateur limité de la stratégie de diversification" in 9ème conférence de l'Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS), 2000, France
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "Mutations structurelles du secteur bancaire français : quel impact sur la portée du bilan des banques à refléter leur positionnement ?" in 21ème Congrès de l'Association Française de Comptabilité (AFC), 2000, France

Published cases with instructional materials

  • RUIZ, M., S. BELAOUNIA - "Building assets… for real: Financial Analysis of Bouygues Construction, leading European company" - 2022, The Case Centre
  • RUIZ, M., S.BELAOUNIA - "Business planning, financial valuation and transaction in France and Germany. How to celebrate it: French Wine or German Beer?" - 2020, The Case Centre

Participation at an academic or professional conference

  • BELAOUNIA, S., A.GIROARD, "L’internationalisation, un vecteur de croissance du volume d’affaires ? Application aux multinationales de l'Euronext 100 entre 2005 et 2009." in ASAC Conference (Association des Sciences Administratives du Canada), 2012, Canada
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "Une approche régionale du développement des multinationales reste t'elle pertinente dans le contexte européen? Proposition d'une typologie sur l'euronext 100 de 2005 à 2009" in ASAC Conference (Association des Sciences Administratives du Canada), 2011, Canada
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "Does Internationalisation Interact With Product Diversity to Explain Differences in Performance?" in 27th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society (SMS), 2007, United States
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "Internationalisation : a Moderating or an Amplifying Factor on the "Diversification-Performance" Link?" in 26th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society (SMS), 2006, Australia
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "Internationalisation : a Moderating or an Amplifying Factor on the "Diversification-Performance" Link?" in 6th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), 2006, Norway
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "D'une approche déterministe à une approche contingente du lien diversification /  performance : quel impact sur la validité de contenu des indicateurs "classique " de la diversification?" in ASAC Conference (Association des Sciences Administratives du Canada), 2005, Canada
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "From a determinist to a contingent approach to the diversification / performance linkage: effects on the contents validity of traditional related diversification indicators" in 22th International Conference on Case Method Research & Application (WACRA), 2005, Czech Republic
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "From a determinist to a contingent approach to the diversification / performance linkage: effects on the contents validity of traditional related diversification indicators" in 5th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), 2005, Germany
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "Organisational structure: a response to the limits of diversity as an indicator of diversification?" in 25th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society (SMS), 2005, United States
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "D'une approche déterministe du lien "diversification - performance" à une approche contingente. Quel impact sur la méthode de saisie empirique de la diversification ?" in AOM/RMD - ISEOR , Colloque Méthodes de recherche innovantes pour créer des connaissances opérationalisables, 2004, France
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "Le lien diversification-performance revisité à partir d'une saisie de la stratégie en terme organisationel : application à 8 groupes bancaires français" in ASAC Conference (Association des Sciences Administratives du Canada), 2003, Canada
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "The link between diversification and performance revisited from a major strategy based on the organisational structure" in 1st international conference on Business Economics, Management and Marketing, 2003, Greece
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "The organizational structure, a response to the limits of diversity as an indicator of diversification ? The case of five french banks »" in European Conference on Research Methodology, 2002, United Kingdom
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "Impact de la déréglementation du système financier sur le transfert des compétences entre les métiers bancaires" in 15ème Congrès du réseau des IAE, 2000, France
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "L'apport de la structure organisationnelle à la saisie empirique de la stratégie de diversification" in Vth IFSAM World Conference, 2000, Canada

Professional journals

  • BELAOUNIA, S., "Opinion | Femmes dans les conseils d’administration : ce que dit la science", Les Echos, February 2021
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "Crise du coronavirus : est-ce la mondialisation le problème ?", Les Echos, April 2020
  • BELAOUNIA, S., H. ZHAO, R. TAO, "Femmes dans les conseils d’administration : le contexte socio-culturel compte plus que les quotas", The Conversation, November 2020
  • HEUBERGER, Y., S.BELAOUNIA, "De l'illusoire comparabilité des états financiers…", L'AGEFI, June 2005
  • BELAOUNIA, S., "L'Europe, un "choc culturel" pour la banque de détail", Le Monde Economie, November 2004