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DATAR Aneesh

PhD / Doctorat international, Business Administration & Management

Aneesh Datar is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Strategy & Entrepreneurship at NEOMA Business School.

He primarily studies innovation, corporate governance, & strategic human capital. His research methods include empirical analyses of archival data, social network and text analyses, and programming.

He earned a Ph.D from Bocconi University in Milan Italy. Before academia, he obtained Masters degrees from Bocconi University & CEMS. Trained as an engineer, he worked in SMEs in the energy and home automation sectors.

At NEOMA Business School, he mostly teaches Entrepreneurship. His teaching experiences have been in France, Italy, & China.

Areas of research

  • Corporate Governance
  • Strategic Human Capital
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation

Recent academic contributions

  • MITSUHASHI, H., A. NAKAMURA, A. DATAR, "Talk in Safe Modes: Firms’ Language Use under Scrutiny", Academy of Management Proceedings, August 2021, vol. 2021, no. 1, pp. 11370
    DOI : 10.5465/AMBPP.2021.11370abstract
  • DATAR, A., M. D. AMORE, F. CASTELLUCCI, "Status Homophily in Negative Strategic Interactions", Academy of Management Proceedings, August 2021, vol. 2021, no. 1, pp. 15591
    DOI : 10.5465/AMBPP.2021.15591abstract
  • NAKAMURA, A., A. DATAR, F. CASTELLUCCI, "Before shooting star fade out: Positive status shifts and formation of status heterophilous ties" in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021


  • MITSUHASHI, H., A. NAKAMURA, A. DATAR, "Talk in Safe Modes: Firms’ Language Use under Scrutiny", Academy of Management Proceedings, August 2021, vol. 2021, no. 1, pp. 11370
    DOI : 10.5465/AMBPP.2021.11370abstract
  • DATAR, A., M. D. AMORE, F. CASTELLUCCI, "Status Homophily in Negative Strategic Interactions", Academy of Management Proceedings, August 2021, vol. 2021, no. 1, pp. 15591
    DOI : 10.5465/AMBPP.2021.15591abstract

Academic conferences

  • NAKAMURA, A., A. DATAR, F. CASTELLUCCI, "Before shooting star fade out: Positive status shifts and formation of status heterophilous ties" in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021
  • DATAR, A., A. CAMUFFO, R. COFF, "What Drives the Mismatch in CEO Value Creation and Value Capture?" in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020
  • GÓMEZ‐SOLÓRZANO, M., A. NAKAMURA, A. DATAR, "Network brokers versus network oscillators: Who should be hired?" in EGOS, 2020, Hamburg, Germany
  • NAKAMURA, A., A. DATAR, H. MITSUHASHI, "To be Vague, or Not to Be: Firms’ Avoidance of Vague Language and Performance below Aspirations" in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019, Boston, United States
  • DATAR, A., A. CAMUFFO, R. COFF, "Misalignment of Contribution and Pay: When do CEOs capture more (or less) than the value they create?" in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018, United States

Participation at an academic or professional conference

  • DATAR, A., M. D. AMORE, F. CASTELLUCCI, "Status Homophily and Negative Strategic Interactions", 2021, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, United States
  • DATAR, A., A. CAMUFFO, R. COFF, "What Drives the Mismatch in CEO Value Creation and Value Capture?", 2020, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, United States
  • DATAR, A., A. CAMUFFO, R. COFF, "Misalignment of Contribution and Pay: When do CEOs capture more (or less) than the value they create?" in Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, 2018, Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, United States