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PhD, Economics, Social and Management Sciences

Florence Duvivier is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship in NEOMA Business School. She defended her doctoral thesis at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (Université libre de Bruxelles) in Belgium where she was also Teaching Assistant in the field of Strategy. She teaches Digital Transformation, Strategy and International Management in French and in English for bothe the PGE and the GBBA programs, and for the Global Executive MBA (China track). Her main fields of research are Offshoring/Outsourcing, Expatriates/Inpatriates Management, Exerting control and transferring knowledge. Her work has been published in Journal of World Business and Industrial and Corporate Change. She has presented her research at many conferences such as the Academy of Management, Academy of International Business, and European Academy of Management.

Areas of research

  • Offshoring/outsourcing
  • Expatriate/inpatriate
  • Exerting control and knowledge tansfer

Recent academic contributions

  • DUVIVIER, F., G. GUPTA, "Unleashing Digital Agility: A Review of Literature on Agile Responses to Digital Challenges.", Journal of Global Information Management, October 2023, vol. 31, no. 8
    DOI : 10.4018/JGIM.331092


  • DUVIVIER, F., G. GUPTA, "Unleashing Digital Agility: A Review of Literature on Agile Responses to Digital Challenges.", Journal of Global Information Management, October 2023, vol. 31, no. 8
    DOI : 10.4018/JGIM.331092
  • DUVIVIER, F., C.PEETERS, A.-W.HARZING , "Not all international assignments are created equal: HQ-subsidiary knowledge transfer patterns across types of assignments and types of knowledge", Journal of World Business, April 2019, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 181-190
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jwb.2019.02.003
  • DUVIVIER, F., R. BELDERBOS, V. VAN ROY, "International and domestic technology transfers and productivity growth: firm level evidence", Industrial and Corporate Change, January 2012, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1-32

Book chapter

  • DUVIVIER, F., R. BELDERBOS, V. VAN ROY, "De impact van innovatie op de exportintensiteit van Vlaamse ondernemingen" in Groeizaam Vlaanderen. Een beleidsondersteunend wetenschappelijk perspectief., Clarysse B. Ed., Roularta Books, pp. 59-90, 2009
  • BELDERBOS, R., F.DR. FLORENCE DUVIVIER, V.VAN ROY, "Buitenlandse multinationale ondernemingen en kennistransfers: samenwerking en productiviteitsgroei in Vlaamse starters" in Ondernemend Vlaanderen: Startende ondernemingen onder de loep., Sels L. Ed., Roularta Books, pp. 265-281, 2008

Academic conferences

  • DUVIVIER, F., "To Mitigate the Agency Risk in Offshore Outsourcing through the Transfer of Personnel" in 3rd International Conference on Research in Management and Economics (IMECONF), 2020, Belgium
  • DUVIVIER, F., "To Mitigate the Agency Risk in Offshore Outsourcing through the Transfer of Personnel" in Mediterranean Islands Conference - MIC (Business and Economics), 2020, Croatia
  • DUVIVIER, F., C.PEETERS, "Exerting Control in Offshore Outsourcing: The Role of Expatriates and Inpatriates", Academy of Management Proceedings, no. 1, pp. 15894, 2017
    DOI : 10.5465/AMBPP.2017.15894abstract
  • DUVIVIER, F., "The complementary role of expatriates and inpatriates as control agents in offshore outsourcing" in European Academy of Management (EURAM), 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • DUVIVIER, F., C.PEETERS, "Global Mobility of people in the learning process of offshore members: longitudinal case study" in European Academy of Management, 2016, Paris, France
  • DUVIVIER, F., C.PEETERS, "Barriers and Enablers in the Learning Process of Offshore Team Members: the Role of International Assignees" in Academy of International Business, 2016, New Orleans, United States
  • DUVIVIER, F., C.PEETERS, "Managing offshoring relationships through expatriates and inpatriates" in Academy of Management Proceedings, no. 1, pp. 15660, 2013

Participation at an academic or professional conference

  • DUVIVIER, F., "Barriers and enablers in the learning process of offshore team members" Brown Bag Seminars. 2016, Rouen, France

Professional journals

  • DUVIVIER, F., J. YANG, "The Pandemic and the Evolution of Generation Z's Consumption Habits", Luxury adviser, May 2022
  • DUVIVIER, F., J. YANG, "Intérêt des Géants de la Tech pour le metaverse", Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités, July 2022
  • DUVIVIER, F., "Entreprises offshores : le transfert ponctuel de personnel, une alternative à l’expatriation", La Tribune, February 2021
  • DUVIVIER, F., "Entreprises offshores : le transfert ponctuel de personnel, une alternative à l’expatriation", The Conversation, February 2021
  • DUVIVIER, F., "La prochaine vague d’automatisation menace nos filets de sécurité sociale", L'ECHO, March 2021
  • DUVIVIER, F., "Délocalisations : l’expatriation, un levier pour entretenir de bonnes relations avec le partenaire offshore", The Conversation, October 2020
  • DUVIVIER, F., "Délocalisation de service: expatrié ou impatrié", La Libre Entreprise, July 2014
  • DUVIVIER, F., "Expatriés ou impatriés dans la délocalisation de services : quel est leur rôle ?", L'ECHO, December 2013