PhD, Management, Finance
Aloïs KANYINDA is an Assistant Professor in the Finance Department. He teaches investment choices and financing, corporate finance, financial markets and socially responsible financing in various programs at NEAOM BS. As part of his teaching responsibilities, he manages and runs the trading room. His research interests are diverse and include water risk management, climate risk management in the wine sector, the valuation of soccer clubs, the impact of MiFid and alternative financing for sustainable development. He has published an international reference article, co-authored with H. Geman, on the theme of "Water as the Next Commodity" in "The Journal of Alternative Investments". He has just published a chapter on climate risk in the book: "La vigne et le vin", published by L'Harmattan.
Areas of research
- Management
- Water
- Climate
- Evaluation
- Financing
- MiFid
KANYINDA-KASANDA, A., C. KARYOTIS, C. BOUTEILLER, "Evaluation des joueurs de football et valeurs de transfert : une exception terminale ?", Research in management economics and finance RIMEFI, May 2014
KARYOTIS, C., C.BOUTEILLER, A.KANYINDA-KASANDA, "Valorisation d'un joueur de football et options réelles", Jurisport, December 2012, no. 126, pp. 43-47
KANYINDA-KASANDA, A., C.BOUTEILLER, C.KARYOTIS, "Human capital: assessing the financial value of football players on the basis of real options theory", Investment Management and Financial Innovations, October 2012, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 27-37
KANYINDA-KASANDA, A., H.GEMAN, "Water as the next commodity", Journal of Alternative Investments, September 2007, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 23-30
Book chapter
- KANYINDA-KASANDA, A., L. ERNEST, "L'impact du changement climatique et la gestion viticole en Champagne-Ardenne." in LA VIGNE et Le VIN : Transformation des filières et des acteurs., Collectif de chercheur UNIVIGNE. Ed., L'Harmattan, pp. 143-170, 2020
- KANYINDA-KASANDA, A., La crise de l'eau : évaluation des solutions par la théorie financière des options réelles, Editions Universitaires Européennes, 2011
Academic conferences
- KANYINDA-KASANDA, A., L.ERNEST, "L'impact du changement climatique sur la gestion viticole et la production du champagne." in Bioéconomie - Colloque SFER 2019, 2019, Reims
- NIANG, C., A.KANYINDA-KASANDA, "Did the implementation of MiFID affect the ability of the investors in the European equity market to reach their investment objectives?" in AF 2018, 2018, Singapour, Singapore
- NIANG, C., A.KANYINDA-KASANDA, "Commodities and the African take-off" in African Finance Journal Conference, 2018, Nairobi, Kenya
Participation at an academic or professional conference
- KANYINDA-KASANDA, A., "Soutien du Grand Reims à la politique “eau” au Burkina Faso" in Conférence : “L’eau et ce qui en découle”, 2021, Reims, France
- KANYINDA-KASANDA, A., C.KARYOTIS, C.BOUTEILLER, "Human capital: assessing the financial value of football players on the basis of real options theory" in Allied Academies Spring International Conference, 2010, United States
- KANYINDA-KASANDA, A., "La gestion du risque de l'eau : l'option américaine d'importation d'eau" 2006, France
- KANYINDA-KASANDA, A., "Présentation de travaux sur le risque de rupture de l'eau potable" CEREG Conference (Centre de Recherches sur la Gestion et la Finance). 2003, France