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PhD, Management, Management Control

Pierre is an Assistant professor of Management Control at NEOMA Business School. Pierre’s research is interdisciplinary. He studies evaluation practices in organizations. His focus is on the impact of such practices on subjectivities, accountability and gender equality . He uses mostly qualitative methods. Pierre is also working on a project on work intermediaries in different fields, such as the creative industries or the finance industry. He collaborated to the book “Quantifier l’égalité”(Quantifying Equality) and participated in many academic conferences. His PhD dissertation received the 2020 prize of the best interdisciplinary dissertation by the FNEGE. Before joining Neoma Business School Pierre worked as a financial controller in the film industry and a management consultant in the media/telco industry. Pierre holds a PhD from ESCP Europe and two masters’ degrees from HEC Paris and Paris Nanterre University.

Areas of research

  • Management control
  • Sociology of accounting
  • Sociology of finance
  • Gender studies
  • Individual performance evaluation, subjectivation, "accountability" structures

Recent academic contributions

  • LESCOAT, P., "Queering the pandemic at work, a fictocritical tale", Gender, Work and Organization, May 2023, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 1037-1041
    DOI : 10.1111/gwao.12942
  • DE BECDELIÈVRE, P., A. LAURENT, P. LESCOAT, "L'entrée dans la carrière académique" in L'expérience de la thèse en management., Hugo Gaillard, Julien Cloarec, Juliette Senn, Albane Grandazzi Eds, EMS - Editions Management et Société, pp. 383-403, 2023
  • LESCOAT, P., C. CHEMIN-BOUZIR, "What we can learn from practitionners" in International Critical Management Studies conference, 2023, Notthingam, United Kingdom


  • LESCOAT, P., "Queering the pandemic at work, a fictocritical tale", Gender, Work and Organization, May 2023, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 1037-1041
    DOI : 10.1111/gwao.12942
  • LESCOAT, P., "Nobody likes a whistleblower. Witnessing silenced racism and homophobia at work..", Gender, Work and Organization, September 2021, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 1893-1897
    DOI : 10.1111/gwao.12717

Book chapter

  • DE BECDELIÈVRE, P., A. LAURENT, P. LESCOAT, "L'entrée dans la carrière académique" in L'expérience de la thèse en management., Hugo Gaillard, Julien Cloarec, Juliette Senn, Albane Grandazzi Eds, EMS - Editions Management et Société, pp. 383-403, 2023
  • LESCOAT, P., C.DAMBRIN, "Dé-neutraliser l’évaluation de la performance : Les illusions de l’« objectivité » et de la « méritocratie » en salles de marché" in Quantifier l'égalité au travail., Soline Blanchard et Sophie Pochic Ed., Presses Uiversitaires de Rennes, 2021

Academic conferences

  • LESCOAT, P., C. CHEMIN-BOUZIR, "What we can learn from practitionners" in International Critical Management Studies conference, 2023, Notthingam, United Kingdom
  • LESCOAT, P., P. DEBECDELIEVRE, "Sustainable careers and performance evaluation systems: the example of investment bankers" in 32è congrès de l'AGRH, 2021
  • LESCOAT, P., "From expert valuation to the evaluation of expertise: the organizational embeddedness of sell-side analysts’ performance." in 39th AFC Conference (French Accounting Association), 2018, Nantes
  • LESCOAT, P., C.DAMBRIN, "A masculine hegemony of performance? Gender representations and performance management tools among financial markets professionals" in 29th AGRH Conference (French Human Resource Association), 2018, Lyon
  • LESCOAT, P., C.DAMBRIN, "A masculine hegemony of performance? Gender representations and performance management tools among financial markets professionals" in Critical Finance Studies conference, 2017, Leicester, United Kingdom
  • STENGER, S., P. LESCOAT, "Truth or dare? Sexual orientation, stigma and masculine professions: coming out as a professional of the financial services industry" in Gender, Work and Organization Conference, 2016, Keele, United Kingdom
  • LESCOAT, P., C. DAMBRIN, "A masculine hegemony of performance? Gender representations and performance management tools among financial markets professionals" in Gender, Work and Organization Conference, 2016, Keele, United Kingdom

Participation at an academic or professional conference

  • LESCOAT, P., "Skepticism and accounting, a Cavellian approach to "what accounting is"" in What accounting Is Conference, 2020, Online (Covid), United Kingdom
  • LESCOAT, P., "Gendering financial markets, gendering performance. A study of performance practices and representations on the trading floor" Atelier d'écriture - Neoma Business School. 2019, Paris, France
  • LESCOAT, P., C.DAMBRIN, "A masculine hegemony of performance? Gender representations and performance management tools among financial markets professionals" Leicester Business School research seminar. 2018, Leicester, United Kingdom
  • LESCOAT, P., C.DAMBRIN, "A fair evaluation? The “de-neutralizing” of performance indicators in the banking sector" Warwick Business School research seminar. 2018, Coventry, United Kingdom
  • LESCOAT, P., C.DAMBRIN, "A fair evaluation? The “de-neutralizing” of performance indicators in the banking sector" in Management Control Doctoral Workshop Dauphine University, 2017, Paris, France
  • LESCOAT, P., "Accounting and performance: social representations and management devices among sell-side analysts and exotic traders" Social Studies of Finance workshop. 2017, Paris, France
  • LESCOAT, P., "Accounting and the marketization of performance" in 32nd emerging scholars’ colloquium, European Accounting Association, 2016, Maastricht, Netherlands
  • LESCOAT, P., "Accounting and the marketization of performance" in 8th doctoral colloquium, Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting Conference, 2016, Melbourne, Australia
  • LESCOAT, P., "To evaluate or discriminate? Measuring the diversity of performances within an exclusive space: the trading room" in AGRH (French Human Resource Management Association) Doctoral Colloquium, 2015, Montpellier, France