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HDR (Authorization to supervise research), Accounting -Auditing

Riadh MANITA is a Full Professor at NEOMA Business School.

He graduated from IHEC Tunis and holds a PhD in management science, specializing in accounting and auditing, from the University of Franche-Comté. He also has a research supervisory qualification (HDR) from the University of Le Mans and is a qualified chartered accountant.

Among his achievements, he has co-authored five books, including "Comptabilité et Audit Epreuve 4 - DSCG - Manuel, Applications" published by Nathan, as well as "Qualité de l'audit - enjeux de l'audit interne et externe pour la gouvernance des organisations" in the collection "Comptabilité contrôle finance et Gouvernance, éthique et RSE : état des lieux et perspectives" and published in the collection "Recherche en Management

Additionally, he has published over 15 professional and press articles in several journals such as Revue Française de Comptabilité, Profession comptable, and The Conversation.


Riadh MANITA's research focuses on audit quality, the impact of new digital technologies on the accounting profession, corporate governance, CSR, and firm performance.

His research has been published in several prestigious journals, including the Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, M@n@gement, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Annals of Operation Research, International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, International Journal of Accounting Auditing and Performance Evaluation, Management & Avenir, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, International Journal of Business, Economic Modeling, Gestion 2000, and Journal of Innovation, Economics & Management.


Before dedicating himself to teaching, Riadh MANITA worked for 8 years in audit and consulting firms in Tunisia and France, including Arthur Andersen, Schaaci et Associés, and KPMG. Currently, he shares his knowledge by teaching financial accounting, with a particular expertise in IFRS standards, and financial auditing in various programs at NEOMA Business School.

Areas of research

  • Audit quality
  • Corporate governance
  • - Corporate social responsibility
  • - Firm performance
  • New digital technologies and the accounting profession

Recent academic contributions

  • SAEED, A., Z. NOOR , M. W. ZAFAR, R. MANITA, "The role of audit quality in waste management behavior", International Review of Economics and Finance, January 2024, vol. 89, no. A, pp. 1203-1216
    DOI : 10.1016/j.iref.2023.08.019
  • NEKHILI, M., F. JAVED, H. NAGATI, R. MANITA, "Homophily versus monitoring: Do all female board directors drive the gender assignment of audit partners?", Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, February 2023, vol. 42, no. 1
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jaccpubpol.2022.107053
  • MANITA, R., S. BOUBAKER, T. D. Q. LE, T. NGO, "Predicting the performance of MSMEs: A hybrid DEA-machine learning approach", Annals of Operations Research, February 2023
    DOI : 10.1007/s10479-023-05230-8


  • SAEED, A., Z. NOOR , M. W. ZAFAR, R. MANITA, "The role of audit quality in waste management behavior", International Review of Economics and Finance, January 2024, vol. 89, no. A, pp. 1203-1216
    DOI : 10.1016/j.iref.2023.08.019
  • MRAD, S., T. HAMZA, R. MANITA, "Corporate investment sensitivity to equity market misvaluation", Review of Accounting and Finance, December 2023
    DOI : 10.1108/RAF-01-2023-0027
  • HARASHEH, M., A. BOUTESKA, R. MANITA, "Investors' preferences for sustainable investments: Evidence from the U.S. using an experimental approach", Economics Letters, December 2023, pp. 111428
    DOI : 10.1016/j.econlet.2023.111428
  • BOUBAKER, S., T. D. Q. LE, R. MANITA, T. NGO, "The trade-off frontier for ESG and Sharpe ratio: a bootstrapped double-frontier data envelopment analysis", Annals of Operations Research, July 2023
    DOI : 10.1007/s10479-023-05506-z
  • ABBASSI, W., S. BOUBAKER, K. CHEBBI, R. MANITA, "Do CEO Debt-Like Compensation Promote Investment Efficiency Evidence from Corporate Employment Decisions", International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, January 2023, vol. 1
    DOI : 10.1504/ijbge.2023.10053939
  • PANDEY, D. K., R. MANITA, V. KUMARI, S. BOUBAKER, "Are CSR-compliant firms more resilient during health crises", International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, August 2023
    DOI : 10.1504/IJBGE.2023.10057276
  • MANITA, R., S. BOUBAKER, T. D. Q. LE, T. NGO, "Predicting the performance of MSMEs: A hybrid DEA-machine learning approach", Annals of Operations Research, February 2023
    DOI : 10.1007/s10479-023-05230-8
  • NEKHILI, M., F. JAVED, H. NAGATI, R. MANITA, "Homophily versus monitoring: Do all female board directors drive the gender assignment of audit partners?", Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, February 2023, vol. 42, no. 1
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jaccpubpol.2022.107053
  • MANITA, R., "Are environmentally friendly firms more vulnerable to the Russia-Ukraine crisis?"" Forthcoming International Journal of Accounting Auditing and Performance Evaluation (IJAAPE)
  • ELOMMAL, N., R. MANITA, "How Blockchain Innovation could affect the Audit Profession: A Qualitative Study", Innovations - Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation/Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, January 2022, no. 37, pp. 37-63
  • BOUBAKER, S., R. MANITA, S. MEFTEH-WALI, "Foreign currency hedging and firm productive efficiency", Annals of Operations Research, June 2022, vol. 313, no. é, pp. 833–854
  • BOUBAKER, S., R. MANITA, W. ROUATBI, "Large shareholders, control contestability and firm productive efficiency", Annals of Operations Research, February 2021, vol. 296, pp. 591–614
    DOI : 10.1007/s10479-019-03402-z
  • WELLALAGE, N. H., A. I. HUNJRA, R. MANITA, S. M. LOCKE, "Information communication technology and financial inclusion of innovative entrepreneurs", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, February 2021, vol. 163
    DOI : 10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120416
  • DEROUICHE, I., R. MANITA, A. MUESSIG, "Risk disclosure and firm operational efficiency", Annals of Operations Research, January 2021, no. 297, pp. 115-145
    DOI : 10.1007/s10479-020-03520-z
  • MANITA, R., N.ELOMMAL, P.BAUDIER, L.HIKKEROVA, "The digital transformation of external Audit and its impact on corporate governance", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, January 2020, vol. 150
  • MANITA, R., N. ELOMMAL, R. DANG, C. SAINTIVES, H. HOUANTI, "Does board gender diversity affect firm performance ? The mediating role of innovation on the French stock market", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, October 2020, vol. 39, no. 1/2, pp. 263-278
    DOI : 10.1504/IJESB.2020.104253
  • BOUBAKER, S., A.CELLIER, R.MANITA, N.TOUMI, "Ownership Structure and Long-run Performance of French IPO Firms", Management International, October 2020, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 135-152
  • BOUBAKER, S., A.CELLIER, R.MANITA, A.SAEED, "Does Corporate Social Responsibility Reduce Financial Distress Risk", Economic Modelling, September 2020, vol. 91, pp. 835-851
    DOI : 10.1016/j.econmod.2020.05.012
  • MANITA, R., N.ELOMMAL, R.DANG, L.HOUANTI, "Does board gender diversity affect firm performance? Evidence from the French SMEs", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, November 2020, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 584-603
  • VIDAL-GARCÍA, J., M.VIDAL, S.BOUBAKER, R.MANITA, "Idiosyncratic risk and mutual fund performance", Annals of Operations Research, October 2019, vol. 281, no. 1-2, pp. 349-372
    DOI : 10.1007/s10479-018-2794-2
  • ELOMMAL , N., R.MANITA, D.CHANEY , "Measuring exchange norms and its impact on satisfaction in a B2C context", International Journal of Market Research, March 2019, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 302-319
    DOI : 10.1177/1470785318760202
  • MANITA, R., M.GIUSEPPINA BRUNA, R.DANG, L.HOUANTI, "Board gender diversity and ESG disclosure: Evidence from the US", Journal of Applied Accounting Research, June 2018, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 206-224
    DOI : 10.1108/JAAR-01-2017-0024
  • MANITA, R., N.ELOMMAL, M.DALMAS, "Les déterminants d’accès aux fonctions de gouvernance dans les grands cabinets d’audit", Management & Avenir, November 2018, no. 105, pp. 15-34
  • MANITA, R., N.ELOMMAL, "Le processus d’acceptation client dans les grands cabinets d’audit : vers la proposition d’une grille de risques", La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, September 2018, no. 293, pp. 49-59
  • ELOMMAL, N., R.MANITA, "Vers une évaluation de la relation banque - clients : une étude des normes de Macneil dans le contexte B to C", Gestion 2000, September 2016, no. 5 & 6, pp. 233-258
  • MANITA, R., N. ELOMMAL, "Audit deficiencies leading to PCAOB sanctions: A study of PCAOB reports between 2005 and 2014", Gestion 2000, May 2015, no. 3, pp. 17-41
  • MANITA, R., N.ELOMMAL, H.LAHBARI, "The Impact of Qualitative Factors on Ethical Judgments of Materiality: An Experimental Study with Auditors", International Journal of Business, July 2011, vol. 16, no. 3
  • MANITA, R., N.ELOMMAL, "The Quality of Audit Process: An Empirical Study with Audit Committees", International Journal of Business, March 2010, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 87-99
  • MANITA, R., "Les déterminants de la qualité du processus d'audit", Euro-Mediterranean Economics and Finance Review, September 2009, no. for IFC5, pp. 159-173
  • MANITA, R., "La qualité de l’audit externe : Proposition d’une grille d’évaluation axée sur le processus d’audit ", M@n@gement, October 2008, vol. Special, no. 2, pp. 187-209
  • MANITA, R., M.CHEMANGUI, "Les approches d'évaluation et les indicateurs de mesure de la qualité d'audit: étude critique", Euro-Mediterranean Economics and Finance Review, September 2007, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 224-241

Book chapter

  • MANITA, R., V.PEREIRA, "La gouvernance des grands cabinets d’audit" in Gouvernance des organisations., JM Huet Ed., Editions Dunod, pp. 165-176, 2016
  • MANITA, R., "Le contrôle qualité du H3C : démarche de supervision et principaux déterminants de la qualité de l’audit" in Qualité de l'audit - enjeux de l'audit interne et externe pour la gouvernance des organisations., Pigé B. Ed., Collection Comptabilite controle finance, pp. 74-86, 2011
  • MANITA, R., M.CHEMANGUI, H.NOUBBIGH, B.PIGÉ, "Vers une évaluation de la qualité du processus d’audit" in Qualité de l'audit - enjeux de l'audit interne et externe pour la gouvernance des organisations., Pigé B. Ed., Collection Comptabilite controle finance, pp. 59-71, 2011
  • MANITA, R., M.DUPUIS, "Les composantes de la qualité d'audit" in Indicateurs et Tableaux de Bord., Cérutti O. & Gattino B. Ed., Editions AFNOR, 2009
  • MANITA, R., B.PIGE, "La qualité de l’audit externe :proposition d’une grille d’évaluation axée sur le processus d’audit  " in Gouvernance, éthique et RSE: état des lieux et perspectives., Meier O. & Shier G. Ed., Collection Recherche en Management, 2009
  • MANITA, R., B.PIGE, C.BEAU, C.COLLETTE, "La méthodologie de l'audit externe" in Comptabilité et audit Epreuve 4 - DSCG - Manuel, Applications et Corrigés., Pigé B. Ed., Collection DSCG, 2008
  • MANITA, R., "Les principes garantissant la qualité de l'audit" in Comptabilité et audit Epreuve 4 - DSCG - Manuel, Applications et Corrigés., Pigé B. Ed., Collection DSCG, 2008

Academic conferences

  • MANITA, R., "The impact of Digital Technology on Audit Businesses" in 1st International Symposium for Finance, Banking and Insurance, ISFBI’21 (former 12th International Finance Conference), 2021, Tunisia
  • MANITA, R., N. ELOMMAL, "How Blockchain could affect audit profession? : A qualitative study" in 2nd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business FEMIB, 2020
  • MANITA, R., I.DEROUICHE, A.MUESSIG, "Risk disclosure and firm operational efficiency" in African Federation of Operational Research Societies (AFROS 2018), 2018, Tunis
  • MANITA, R., N.ELOMMAL, P.BAUDIER, "The impact of digitalisation on auditor activity : a qualitative study" in International conference on Digital Innovation & Financing, 2018, Lyon
  • MANITA, R., N.ELOMMAL, "Auditee’s behaviors affecting audit quality: an experimental study on the French market" in International Finance Conference, 2017, Paris, France
  • MANITA, R., N.ELOMMAL, "Les déterminants d’accès au Top mangement des cabinets d’audit" in 8th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, 2017, Nice, France
  • MANITA, R., A. SAKKA, N. ELOMMAL, "Les comportements de réactance psychologique dans une relation de contrôle : Une étude exploratoire de la relation auditeur-audité" in International conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA’16), 2016, Hammamet, Tunisia
  • MANITA, R., N.ELOMMAL, "Audit deficiencies leading to PCAOB sanctions: A study of PCAOB reports between 2005 and 2014" in 8th, International Finance Conference, 2015, Paris, France
  • MANITA, R., "Audit Client's Behaviors Affecting Audit Quality: An Experimental Study in the French Market ” " in 16th, International Academy of Management and Business Conference, 2013, Washington, DC, United States
  • MANITA, R., "L'impact des facteurs qualitatifs sur les jugements de la matérialité en audit" in 32ème Congrès de l'Association Francophone de Comptabilité (AFC), 2011, France
  • MANITA, R., M.HAZGUI, C.POCHET, "Les défaillances affectant la qualité de l'audit: une étude qualitative sur le marché français" in 31ème Congrès de l'Association Francophone de Comptabilité (AFC), 2010, France
  • MANITA, R., "La qualité du processus d’audit : une étude empirique sur le marché financier tunisien" in 30ème Congrès de l'Association Francophone de Comptabilité (AFC), 2009, France
  • MANITA, R., "Le comité d’audit et la qualité de l’audit externe : quelle interaction ? " in AFFI, 2007 Spring Conference, 2007, France
  • MANITA, R., M.CHEMANGUI, "Les approches d’évaluation et les indicateurs de mesure de la qualité d’audit : étude critiques " in 28ème Congrès de l'Association Francophone de Comptabilité (AFC), 2007, France
  • MANITA, R., B.PIGE, "La notation par les administrateurs des composantes de la qualité du processus d’audit " in 27ème Congrès de l'Association Française de Comptabilité (AFC), 2006, Tunisia

Participation at an academic or professional conference

  • MANITA, R., A.SAKKA, N.ELOMMAL, "Psychological Reactance in the auditee's behaviors" in IFC 9 International Finance Conference, 2017, France
  • MANITA, R., A. SAKKA, "Which are the Auditee’s behaviors affecting audit quality" in International conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA’16), 2016, Hammamet, Tunisia
  • MANITA, R., A.SAKKA, "Les comportements de l'audité réducteurs de la qualité de l'audit" in 6th International Finance Conference (IFC6), 2011, Tunisia
  • MANITA, R., H.LAHBARI, "L'impact des facteurs qualitatifs sur le jugement éthique de la matérialité" in 6th International Finance Conference (IFC6), 2011, Tunisia
  • MANITA, R., M.CHEMANGUI, "Quality assessment of the internal audit - external audit: proposal for a conceptualization approach" in 1st International Symposium in Computational Economics and Finance (ISCEF), 2010, Tunisia
  • MANITA, R., "Le contrôle de la qualité de l’audit en France, une étude sur les déficiences réductrice de la qualité d’audit" in First International Symposium in Computational Economics and Finance, 2010, Tunisia
  • MANITA, R., "Les déficiences de la qualité de l'audit: une étude qualitative sur le marché français" in 2eme Journée de recherche, Euromed, 2010, France
  • MANITA, R., "La qualité de l’audit externe : Revue de l’art " in 4th International Finance Conference (IFC4), 2009, Tunisia
  • MANITA, R., "Les déterminants de la qualité du processus d'audit" in 5th International Finance Conference (IFC5), 2009, Tunisia
  • MANITA, R., "The quality of audit process: proposal of scaling measure" in International Congress of the International Association for Accounting Education and Research (IAAER), 2009, Brazil
  • MANITA, R., "Towards an evaluation of the quality of the process of audit by audit committees" in 32nd Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association (EAA), 2009, Finland
  • MANITA, R., M.CHEMANGUI, "Quality assessment of the internal audit - external audit: proposal for a conceptualisation approach" in 31st Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association (EAA), 2008, Netherlands
  • MANITA, R., M.CHEMANGUI, "Quality assessment of the internal audit - external audit: proposition of a scale of measure centred on the works realized by the auditors «»" in American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, 2008, United States
  • MANITA, R., "Proposition d’une échelle de mesure de la qualité du processus d’audit  " in Colloque international de Finance et Assurance, 2007, Tunisia

Professional journals

  • MANITA, R., N. ELOMMAL, "Les six impacts de la blockchain sur la profession d’audit", The Conversation, October 2022
  • MANITA, R., N.ELOMMAL, P.BAUDIER, "Comment le digital et les big data vont transformer le métier des cabinets d’audit", The Conversation, September 2019
  • MANITA, R., M.DALMAS, N.ELOMMAL, "Carrières : les clés pour parvenir au top management dans les cabinets de conseil", The Conversation, March 2019
  • MANITA, R., P.BAUDIER, "Le digital et la métamorphose de la fonction finance", The Conversation, October 2018
  • MANITA, R., N.ELOMMAL, "Le rôle des écoles de commerce dans la transformation numérique", The Conversation, October 2018
  • MANITA, R., "Comment restaurer l’éthique dans la Fonction publique?", Leaders, July 2017
  • MANITA, R., "Quelles issues aux problèmes économiques et sociaux du pays?", Leaders, July 2017
  • MANITA, R., L.SAINTON, "Comment la fonction contrôle qualité est-elle organisée au sein des grands cabinets d’audit ?", La profession comptable, August 2017, no. 413-414
  • MANITA, R., "Pertinence des politiques économiques en Tunisie: des préalables s’imposent", Leaders, August 2017
  • MANITA, R., "La réconciliation nationale : un sujet brûlant, mais des solutions existent", Leaders, August 2017
  • MANITA, R., "Quelle stratégie pour combattre l’économie souterraine?", Leaders, August 2017
  • MANITA, R., N.ELOMMAL, "Quelles sont les faiblesses de cabinets d’audit sanctionnées par leur tutelle aux USA ?", The Conversation, December 2016
  • MANITA, R., V.PEREIRA, "Qui gouverne les grands cabinets d’audit en France ?", The Conversation, December 2016
  • MANITA, R., A.FREYSSINET, "Processus d'acceptation de nouveaux clients - étude exploratoire auprès des grands cabinets d'audit en France", Revue Française de comptabilité, 2016, no. 503, pp. 1-5
  • MANITA, R., V.PEREIRA, "La gouvernance des grands cabinets d’audit en France et le profil type de leurs administrateurs", Revue Française de comptabilité, November 2014, no. 481, pp. 2-5
  • MANITA, R., H.BELLENGER, "Les grands principes du cadre conceptuel de l’IAASB sur la qualité d’audit", Revue Française de comptabilité, July 2014, no. 478, pp. 2-6
  • MANITA, R., A. LACAVE, "Les déficiences organisationnelles et du système de contrôle qualité des cabinets d’audit : étude des rapports d’inspection du PCAOB entre 2004 et 2011", Revue Française de comptabilité, February 2012, no. 451
  • MANITA, R., K. SEYDI, "Organisation et démarche d’inspection du PCAOB", Revue Française de comptabilité, July 2011, no. 445
  • MANITA, R., M.GOUSSARD, "Les déficiences conduisant à des sanctions par le PCAOB : une étude des rapports du PCAOB entre 2005 et 2011", Revue Française de comptabilité, October 2011, no. 447
  • MANITA, R., "Le processus de contrôle qualité du Haut Conseil de Commissariat aux comptes", Revue Française de comptabilité, February 2010, no. 429