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NAN Lana

PhD / Doctorat international, Management, Marketing

Lana (Xianglan) Nan is an Assistant Professor in Marketing at NEOMA Business School. She obtained her Ph.D. in Marketing from University of Florida. She received her M.Phil. in Marketing from Erasmus University Rotterdam and her B.A. in Business Administration from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She is interested in the substantive areas of consumer behavior, including judgment and decision making, branding, and quality inferences. Her research has been presented at several international conferences such as ACR, SCP, and SJDM.

Areas of research

  • Social Influence
  • Brand Perception
  • Judgement and Decision Making
  • Quality vs. Personal Preference

Recent academic contributions

  • NAN, L., S. K. PARK, Y. YANG, "Rejections Are More Contagious than Choices: How Another’s Decisions Shape Our Own", Journal of Consumer Research, August 2023, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 363–381
    DOI : 10.1093/jcr/ucad007


  • NAN, L., S. K. PARK, Y. YANG, "Rejections Are More Contagious than Choices: How Another’s Decisions Shape Our Own", Journal of Consumer Research, August 2023, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 363–381
    DOI : 10.1093/jcr/ucad007

Participation at an academic or professional conference

  • NAN, L., "The Social Decision Framing Effect: Conforming to Another’s Rejection But Not to Another’s Choice" in Society for Judgment and Decision Making, 2019, Montreal, Canada
  • NAN, L., "The Social Decision Framing Effect: Conforming to Another’s Rejection But Not to Another’s Choice" in Association for Consumer Research, 2019, Atlanta, United States
  • NAN, L., "The Social Decision Framing Effect: Conforming to Another’s Rejection But Not to Another’s Choice" in Marketing Seminar Series, 2018, Florida, United States
  • NAN, L., "Choose vs. Rejection and Information Processing" in Marketing Seminar Series, 2017, Florida, United States