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Master of Arts, English Literature, Moral Philosophy

Ewan is Professor of Marketing at NEOMA Business School and his areas of specialisation include Branding, Communications, Services and Marketing Ethics. He has published a number of articles and book chapters with colleagues at Neoma B.S.and is particularly interested in pedagogical development and innovative learning techniques, including the challenges and opportunities posed by distance learning and the hybridization of the teaching and learning experience.

Ewan est également un partisan enthousiaste de la méthodologie d'enseignement basée sur des cas et il a écrit une série d'études de cas portant sur des entreprises, grandes ou petites, en France et au Royaume-Uni.

Ewan is also an enthusiastic proponent of the case-based teaching methodology and he has written a series of case studies focusing on business, both large and small, in France and the United Kingdom.

Ewan is the creator and Head of the M.Sc. Marketing French Excellence program in Rouen, where he is based and he has lectured in many countries, including France, Italy, China, Norway, Canada and the UK.

Areas of research

  • Fashion
  • Branding
  • Ethical Marketing
  • International Marketing


  • KARYOTIS, C., E.ORMISTON, "Ethique des affaires ou affaire d’éthique", La lettre de l'Association Française de Gouvernement d'Entreprise, May 2016, vol. 1er trimestre 2016, no. 44, pp. 5-7
  • KARYOTIS, C., E.ORMISTON, "Entreprise responsable : Ethique des affaires ou affaire d’éthique", Revue Banque, December 2016, no. 802, pp. 63-66

Book chapter

  • KARYOTIS, C., E.ORMISTON, "Conformité, étique et morale" in Risques et conformité dans les organisations., J.M. Huet & G. Chantemargue Ed., Pearson Education, pp. 37-46, 2018

Published cases with instructional materials

  • GODEY, B., E. ORMISTON - "Abystyle: When the geeks inherit the earth" - 2023, The Case Centre
  • GODEY, B., E. ORMISTON - "Nutella Biscuits: Launching a major brand extension in the French biscuit market/ Nutella Biscuits : le lancement d'une extension de marque majeure sur le marché français du biscuit" - 2023, The Case Centre
  • GODEY, B., E. ORMISTON - "Anglepoise: Made for life" - 2023, The Case Centre
  • ORMISTON, E., C. LAI, B. GODEY - "TROPICANA: extending the Tropicana brand into the chilled juice sector" - 2012, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), United Kingdom
  • ORMISTON, E., S. HERTRICH, U. MAYRHOFER - "WINDSOR PALACE HOTEL: Developing a new marketing concept in an emerging market" - 2012, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), United Kingdom
  • ORMISTON, E., U. MAYRHOFER, S. HERTRICH - "ADIDAS: Women are the Future of Sport" - 2011, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), United Kingdom
  • ORMISTON, E. - "Asterix: Marketing the Gauls!" - 2010, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), United Kingdom
  • ORMISTON, E., B. GODEY - "Marketing Developments for Mc Donald's Happy Meal 2008-2010" - 2010, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), United Kingdom
  • ORMISTON, E., C. LAI, B. GODEY - "PROCTER & GAMBLE detergent brand portfolio development in France (2004-2007))" - 2010, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), United Kingdom