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PhD, Management, Banking, and Commodity Sciences, Management Track

Ilaria Querci is Assistant Professor of Marketing at NEOMA Business School. She received her PhD from the Sapienza University of Rome and was a post-doc researcher at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Her research interests focus on human interaction with AI technologies, particularly regarding consumer-smart object relationships, consumer resistance to the adoption of and privacy concerns towards AI technologies. She is also interested in pro-environmental behavior. Her work has been published in Psychology & Marketing and presented at international marketing conferences like the European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) and the Association for Consumer Research (ACR). She also contributes to the research community as a reviewer for Psychology & Marketing.

Areas of research

  • Barriers to consumers’ adoption of AI-enabled products
  • Consumers’ privacy concerns in AI-powered contexts
  • Consumer-smart object relationships
  • Human-computer interactions

Recent academic contributions

  • DAVOLA, A., I. QUERCI, S. ROMANI, "No Consumer Is an Island—Relational Disclosure as a Regulatory Strategy to Advance Consumer Protection Against Microtargeting", Journal of Consumer Policy, January 2023, vol. 46, pp. 1-25
    DOI : 10.2139/ssrn.4068548
  • QUERCI, I., C. BARBAROSSA, S. ROMANI, F. RICOTTA, "Explaining How Algorithms Work Reduces Consumers’ Concerns Regarding the Collection of Personal Data and Promotes AI Technology Adoption", Psychology and Marketing, October 2022, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 1888–1901
    DOI : /10.1002/mar.21705
  • MONSURRÒ, L., I. QUERCI, S. GRAPPI, S. ROMANI, G. GISTRI, "Negative relationships in the interactions between consumers and smart objects" in European Marketing Academy,, vol. 51st, no. 107352, 2022


  • DAVOLA, A., I. QUERCI, S. ROMANI, "No Consumer Is an Island—Relational Disclosure as a Regulatory Strategy to Advance Consumer Protection Against Microtargeting", Journal of Consumer Policy, January 2023, vol. 46, pp. 1-25
    DOI : 10.2139/ssrn.4068548
  • QUERCI, I., C. BARBAROSSA, S. ROMANI, F. RICOTTA, "Explaining How Algorithms Work Reduces Consumers’ Concerns Regarding the Collection of Personal Data and Promotes AI Technology Adoption", Psychology and Marketing, October 2022, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 1888–1901
    DOI : /10.1002/mar.21705
  • QUERCI, I., F. RULLANI, "Artificial Intelligence Creativity Support Tools for Creating Social Enterprises' Business Models,", Department of Management, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia Working Paper, July 2021, vol. 7
    DOI : 10.2139/ssrn.4151424

Book chapter

  • QUERCI, I., "Iperconnessione via interazione consumer to consumer (Hyperconnection through consumer to consumer interaction)" in Marketing nell’era dell’iperconnessione., Ricotta, F. Eds, Editeur Pearson Education, pp. 58-70, 2020

Academic conferences

  • MONSURRÒ, L., I. QUERCI, S. GRAPPI, S. ROMANI, G. GISTRI, "Negative relationships in the interactions between consumers and smart objects" in European Marketing Academy,, vol. 51st, no. 107352, 2022
  • QUERCI, I., L. MONSURRÒ, "Is it only about Partners and Servants? A qualitative study about positive Smart Speaker social roles" in European Marketing Academy, vol. 50th, no. 104571, 2021
  • QUERCI, I., C. BARBAROSSA, S. ROMANI, F. RICOTTA, "Tearing down the rules surrounding the social dilemma: The effect of information detail and control on consumers’ data collection concerns" in XVII Annual Conference of the Italian Marketing Academy, 2020, Varese, Italy
  • MONSURRÒ, L., I. QUERCI, "Partner o Servant? Un’analisi qualitativa dei ruoli sociali degli Smart Speaker (Partner or Servant? A qualitative analysis of Smart Speakers’ social roles)," in XVII Annual Conference of the Italian Marketing Academy, 2020, Varese
  • MONSURRÒ, L., I. QUERCI, P. PEVERINI, S. ROMANI, "The dark side of consumer-smart object relationship: A non-user perspective" in European Marketing Academy, 2020, Budapest, Hungary
  • QUERCI, I., S. ROMANI, C. BARBAROSSA, F. RICOTTA, "Against the IoT: a multi-method examination of the barriers to the adoption of smart objects" in Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy, vol. 48, no. 9725, 2019, Germany
  • MONSURRÒ, L., I. QUERCI, "Il lato oscuro delle relazioni tra consumatore e smart object: una prospettiva “non-user” (The dark side of consumer-smart object relationships: a “non-user” persective)" in XVI Annual Conference of the Italian Marketing Academy, Universita Cattolica, 2019, Italy
  • QUERCI, I., F. RICOTTA, S. ROMANI, "Il mercato degli smart object: un’analisi qualitativa delle barriere all’adozione (The smart object market: a qualitative analysis of the barriers to the adoption)" in XV Annual Conference of the Italian Marketing Academy, 2018, Bari, Italy