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HDR (Authorization to supervise research)

Antoine SOUCHAUD is Associate Professor at NEOMA Business School and Ecole Polytechnique. He is the Head of the Accounting, Controlling and Legal Affairs academic department since April 2022. Antoine’s research interests include crowdfunding, FinTech regulations, and start-up coaching.

Antoine has been awarded the Roland Calori best young sholar prize in strategic management, the best paper prize from the International Association of Strategic Management (AIMS), and the best PhD thesis in management prize from the Universities of Paris Chancellery. He is Jury member for the France-Amériques PhD thesis prize and the French CPA diploma.

Antoine has published in Journal of Business Ethics, Organization, Technovation, Finance, Comptabilité-Contrôle-Audit, Gérer et Comprendre, Expert Systems With Applications, Journal of Business Models, Politique et Management Public, and Réalités Industrielles. He has also published press articles in Le Monde, Les Echos, and La Tribune.

Antoine is or has been visiting professor at College of Europe, HEC Paris, Sciences-Po Paris, and La Sorbonne.  He is chair of the Jean-Claude Colas foundation for entrepreneurship. He is chairman of the Board of the Conférence Olivaint alumni society.

Antoine holds an HDR (Authorization to supervise research) from Ecole Polytechnique. He holds a PhD in Management Sciences from ESCP Business School and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. He also holds the french CPA charter. He is normalien in economics and management, and alumnus of HEC Paris, Sciences-Po Paris, and College of Europe (Bruges). He has also completed training programs from INSEAD, Harvard Business School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Areas of research

  • Crowdfunding
  • FinTech
  • Financial regulation
  • Accounting

Recent academic contributions

  • BERKOWITZ, H., A. SOUCHAUD, "Filling successive technologically-induced governance gaps: meta-organizations as regulatory innovation intermediaries", Technovation, January 2024, vol. 129
  • ESTRAN, R., V.-M. D. FABRITUS, A. SOUCHAUD, "Development of a Shadow Rating Model", Finance, March 2023, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 112-148
    DOI : 10.3917/fina.pr.017
  • SOUCHAUD, A., H. BERKOWITZ, "The Promise of Crowdlending in Financing Agenda 2030" in Ecological Money and Finance., Thomas Lagoarde-Segot Ed., Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 571–589, 2023
    DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-14232-1_18


  • BERKOWITZ, H., A. SOUCHAUD, "Filling successive technologically-induced governance gaps: meta-organizations as regulatory innovation intermediaries", Technovation, January 2024, vol. 129
  • ESTRAN, R., V.-M. D. FABRITUS, A. SOUCHAUD, "Development of a Shadow Rating Model", Finance, March 2023, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 112-148
    DOI : 10.3917/fina.pr.017
  • CHELBI, O., T. RAYNA, A. SOUCHAUD, "The Creation Of Ecosystems as a Mean for Business Model Adaptation: How Banks Chose to Respond to The Rise of Fintech Startups", Journal of Business Models, July 2022, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 19-29
    DOI : 10.54337/jbm.v10i1.6804
  • ESTRAN, R., A. SOUCHAUD, D. ABITBOL, "Using a genetic algorithm to optimize an expert credit rating model", Expert Systems with Applications, October 2022, vol. 203
    DOI : 10.1016/j.eswa.2022.117506
  • COLAS, H., A. SOUCHAUD, "Esprit de famille es-tu là ? Les pratiques stratégiques associées à la mobilisation des fantômes organisationnels dans les entreprises familiales.", Gérer et Comprendre, March 2022, no. 147, pp. 12-20
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A. SOUCHAUD, "Intelligence collective et organisation co-dépendante : le rôle de l’expert-comptable dans le crowdlending", Comptabilité Contrôle Audit, December 2019, vol. 3, no. 25, pp. 41-67
    DOI : 10.3917/cca.253.0041
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "(Self-)Regulation of Sharing Economy Platforms through Partial Meta Organization", Journal of Business Ethics, November 2019, vol. 159, no. 4, pp. 961-976
    DOI : 10.1007/s10551-019-04206-8
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "Stratégies de conquête d’un nouvel espace de marché : la structuration du crowdlending", Gérer et Comprendre, March 2018, vol. 131, pp. 7-19
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "Régulation des fintech et « fintechisation » de la régulation", Réalités industrielles, August 2018, pp. 47-50
  • SOUCHAUD, A., H.BERKOWITZ, "Combler un vide organisationnel dans la fabrique d’une politique publique : l’émergence d’une méta-organisation", Politiques et Management Public, October 2017, vol. 34, no. 1-2, pp. 43-60
  • SOUCHAUD, A., "Deus ex Machina dans l’espace régulatoire du crédit en France, la reconnaissance du crowdlending face au monopole bancaire", Gérer et Comprendre, June 2017, no. 128, pp. 3-13

Book chapter

  • SOUCHAUD, A., H. BERKOWITZ, "The Promise of Crowdlending in Financing Agenda 2030" in Ecological Money and Finance., Thomas Lagoarde-Segot Ed., Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 571–589, 2023
    DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-14232-1_18

Academic conferences

  • SOUCHAUD, A., O. CHELBI, T. RAYNA, "Innovation towards data driven business models" in Business Model Conference, 2022
  • SOUCHAUD, A., O. CHELBI, T. RAYNA, "The account agregation industry" in R&D Management Conference, 2022
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A. SOUCHAUD, "Organizing the diffusion of innovation" in European Group for Organisation Studies (EGOS), 2022, Austria
  • SOUCHAUD, A., "Construire l’éthique d’un secteur : le cas du crowdfunding" in France Stratégie RSE, 2019
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "Determinants and role of a business meta-organization in regulatory changes and market development" in XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, 2018, Toronto, Canada
  • SOUCHAUD, A., H.BERKOWITZ, "Playing solo or in team: market entry strategies in the crowdfunding sector" in 27ème conférence de l’AIMS, 2018, Montpellier, France
  • SOUCHAUD, A., H.BERKOWITZ, "Filling an organizational gap in a policy network: The role of business collective action in crowdfunding’s regulation" in 5th Critical & Alternative Approaches to Governance, 2018, Barcelona, Spain
  • SOUCHAUD, A., H.BERKOWITZ, "Ethical challenges in the sharing economy: collectively performing ethics in the crowdfunding sector" in 27ème conférence de l’AIMS, 2018, Montpellier, France
  • SOUCHAUD, A., H.BERKOWITZ, "Meta-Organizing Ethics at the Sectoral level" in 5th Critical & Alternative Approaches to Governance, 2018, Barcelona, Spain
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "Rethinking sectoral governance in crowdfunding: cooperation between States and Business Meta-Organizations as a source of institutional change" in Conference on Public Authority and Finance, 2017, Paris
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "When business collective action fills an organizational gap in public policymaking" in 3rd EGOS Colloquium, 2017, Copenhague
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "Gouvernance et co-construction de la régulation d’un secteur émergeant : le cas du crowdfunding en France" in 2ème Journée de l’Abbé Grégoire, 2017, Paris
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "Ethical challenges in the sharing economy: collectively performing ethics in the crowdfunding sector" in 16ème Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance, 2017, Lausanne
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "Conquête ou co-construction de l’économie collaborative ? Les effets disruptifs du bon de caisse sur la structuration du secteur du crowdlending" in 26ème conférence de l'AIMS, 2017
  • SOUCHAUD, A., H.BERKOWITZ, "Conquête ou co-construction de l’économie collaborative ? Les effets disruptifs du bon de caisse sur la structuration du secteur du crowdlending" in 1ère journée d’étude sur le crowdfunding organisée à l’Institut Mines Télécom, 2017, Paris
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "Can collective ethics overcome conflicting institutional logics? A case study of the French crowdfunding sector" in 1ère journée d’étude sur le crowdfunding organisée à l’Institut Mines Télécom, 2017, Paris.
  • SOUCHAUD, A., "Deus ex Machina dans l’espace régulatoire du crédit en France, La reconnaissance du crowdlending face au monopole bancaire" in 15ème Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance, 2016, Montpellier

Published cases with instructional materials

  • SOUCHAUD, A. - "Greece and Goldman Sachs: a Pact with the Devil?" - 2010, College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium

Participation at an academic or professional conference

  • SOUCHAUD, A., "From quantitative finance to qualitative interdisciplinary research: History of a PhD thesis" Research in the Rough Workshop - Neoma Business School. 2020, Reims, France
  • SOUCHAUD, A., "Bilan et perspectives de recherche" Workshop du CRG-Ecole polytechnique. 2020, Online, France
  • SOUCHAUD, A., H.BERKOWITZ, "A multi-level approach to capital creation in multi-stakeholder meta-organisation" MMPO Workshop. 2019, Toulouse, France

Professional journals

  • BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "L'expert-comptable, révélateur de l'intelligence collective sur les plateformes de crowdlending", CNRS Press Release, January 2019
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "Fintech : le régulateur disrupté ?", The Conversation, October 2018
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "Fintech : le régulateur disrupté ?", La Tribune, October 2018
  • SOUCHAUD, A., H.BERKOWITZ, ""Crowdlending" : Le déverrouillage d'un système établi de longue date", Le Monde, May 2018
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "La gouvernance sectorielle, chaînon manquant de la refonte de l'entreprise", The Conversation, March 2018
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "Crowdlending : anatomie d'une stratégie réussie", CNRS Press Release, March 2018
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "Financement des PME : développons les prêts de pair à pair", Les Echos, August 2018
  • SOUCHAUD, A., H.BERKOWITZ, "Le crowdlending, un secteur en construction", The Conversation, May 2017
  • BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "Quelle place pour les plateformes de crowdfunding dans l'action publique ?", CNRS Press Release, December 2017