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SUBTIL Nathalie

PhD, Management, Prospective, Innovation, Strategy, Organization

Nathalie SUBTIL-GEERAERTS is the current Academic Director since April 2022. She teaches accounting, auditing and corporate finance. She started in business at the former auditing firm, Arthur Andersen.  Associate Professor at NEOMA Business School, she has set up long-lasting partnerships with many companies in the auditing sector, particularly in the framework of the Grande Ecole Program, by setting up conferences and creating courses in collaboration with these firms. In this context, she participated in the creation of the "Advisory and Auditing" program of excellence, for which she is the referent professor at Neoma BS. Her research work focuses on the influence of figures within organizations in relation to the personal responsibility of the manager, as well as on teaching the use of numerical representations. She has published, in particular, in the Revue de l'Organisation Responsable. She also develops cases and writes book chapters auditing domain.

Areas of research

  • Privileged or even excessive use of numerical representations within the organisations and responsibility of the manager
  • Teaching of Accounting in Business School (teaching for the use of numerical representations, in particular accounting)
  • Audit & CSR - Audit and Parity

Recent academic contributions

  • SUBTIL-GEERAERTS, N., "L’emprise du chiffre au sein des organisations comme facteur de déresponsabilisation du manager", Revue de l'Organisation Responsable, January 2021, no. 1, pp. 9-24
  • SUBTIL-GEERAERTS, N., I. MIROIR-LAIR, C. DAUSSY, "L'audit du rapport RSE comme facteur de performance sociétale" in Audit et Performance., Huet Jean Michel, Tracq-Sengeissen Isabelle et Bucaille Edouard Eds, Pearson Education, pp. 181-196, 2021
  • ROSZAK, S., N. SUBTIL-GEERAERTS, E. FIMBEL, A. FALANTIN, "Can Integrated Reporting Restore Trust? An Exploratory Study In Early Adopting Organizations" in Association Francophone de Comptabilité, 2021


  • SUBTIL-GEERAERTS, N., "L’emprise du chiffre au sein des organisations comme facteur de déresponsabilisation du manager", Revue de l'Organisation Responsable, January 2021, no. 1, pp. 9-24

Book chapter

  • SUBTIL-GEERAERTS, N., I. MIROIR-LAIR, C. DAUSSY, "L'audit du rapport RSE comme facteur de performance sociétale" in Audit et Performance., Huet Jean Michel, Tracq-Sengeissen Isabelle et Bucaille Edouard Eds, Pearson Education, pp. 181-196, 2021

Academic conferences

  • ROSZAK, S., N. SUBTIL-GEERAERTS, E. FIMBEL, A. FALANTIN, "Can Integrated Reporting Restore Trust? An Exploratory Study In Early Adopting Organizations" in Association Francophone de Comptabilité, 2021
  • SUBTIL-GEERAERTS, N., C.DAUSSY, "The limitations of the use of extra-financial measures: do the auditors consider them in the verification process required by the law?" in EURAM 2018 Conference, 2018, Iceland

Published cases with instructional materials

  • GUIDICI, S., N. SUBTIL-GEERAERTS - "TeaShop SA" - 2022, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Paris
  • SUBTIL-GEERAERTS, N., S.GUIDICI - "CoffeeGust : votre première mission d'audit" - 2021, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Paris

Participation at an academic or professional conference

  • SUBTIL-GEERAERTS, N., "La prégnance et la prééminence de la représentation chiffrée dans les organisations comme anesthésiant à la responsabilité individuelle du manager" in 12ème congrès RIODD, 2017, Paris, France

Professional journals

  • SUBTIL-GEERAERTS, N., "A Neoma BS, les étudiants se glissent dans la peau d'un auditeur", Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités, 2018
  • SUBTIL-GEERAERTS, N., "Le conseil y faire carrière ou l'utiliser comme un tremplin pour la suite", Neoma Alumni Magazine, December 2018, no. 17, pp. 36-37