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TEH Camen

PhD in Marketing

Camen is an Assistant Professor in Marketing at NEOMA Business School. She received her PhD in Marketing from the Nottingham University Business School China. Her research interests encompass the use of digital technologies, notably Mixed Reality (MR) technologies, in businesses, and the behavioural outcomes of technology use. Camen is also interested in how these technologies can be leveraged to drive prosocial behaviour. Her research has been presented in conferences such as Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) and HCI International (HCII). Camen serves as an ad hoc reviewer for journals including Information and Management, and for conferences such as the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) among others.

Areas of research

  • Augmented Reality (AR);
  • Mixed Reality (MR)
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Retail

Recent academic contributions

  • TEH, C., S. ROVAI, C. PASQUINELLI, "AI in the Luxury In-Store Atmospherics", Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management, November 2023, no. 1, pp. 9-31
    DOI : 10.4468/2023.01.02rovai.pasquinelli.teh
  • ROVAI, S., C. PASQUINELLI, C. TEH, "Consumer Responses to AI Applications in Omnichannel Luxury Retailing: An Explorative Study" in Global Fashion Management Conference, pp. 1032-1033, 2023
    DOI : 10.15444/GMC2023.03.01.03
  • TEH, C., C. W. PHANG, C. ZHANG, A. Y. L. CHONG, "(AR)e These Products Making Sense? Resolving Product Schema-Incongruity with Augmented Reality" in International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 472-490, 2022
    DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-05014-5_39


  • TEH, C., S. ROVAI, C. PASQUINELLI, "AI in the Luxury In-Store Atmospherics", Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management, November 2023, no. 1, pp. 9-31
    DOI : 10.4468/2023.01.02rovai.pasquinelli.teh

Academic conferences

  • ROVAI, S., C. PASQUINELLI, C. TEH, "Consumer Responses to AI Applications in Omnichannel Luxury Retailing: An Explorative Study" in Global Fashion Management Conference, pp. 1032-1033, 2023
    DOI : 10.15444/GMC2023.03.01.03
  • TEH, C., C. W. PHANG, C. ZHANG, A. Y. L. CHONG, "(AR)e These Products Making Sense? Resolving Product Schema-Incongruity with Augmented Reality" in International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 472-490, 2022
    DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-05014-5_39
  • TEH, C., C. W. PHANG, A. Y. L. CHONG, Z. GUO, "Augmented Reality in Offline Retail: Integrating the Affordance and Means-End Chain Perspectives" in Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2021