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6 th rank

2024 Le Point Magazine Undergraduate Programmes Ranking

1 st rank 2024 for internationalisation criteria


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Two diplomas of excellence for twice as many opportunities

Are you excited by the idea of spending a considerable period of time abroad? Are you interested in international issues, both geopolitical and economic? Would you like to work in multicultural environments and embark upon an international career path? In that case, NEOMA’s CESEM will meet your expectations.

With its three international tracks (Europe, the Americas, Asia), the CESEM enables you to spend two years in France (Reims) and two whole years abroad, thus obtaining two degrees, one French and the other an international BBA-type degree!

Our all-round training for future managers offers you an authentic immersive experience in a multicultural context, which will facilitate your professional mobility towards other countries and other cultures. If you enjoy a challenge, you can stand out and become a dynamic, open-minded and inquiring leader, with a high-level ability to adapt.

5 reasons to choose CESEM programme


100% international double degree: all students are awarded 2 Bachelor degrees from recognised Business Schools


A multicultural environment with 3 international tracks: the Americas, Asia and Europe


Bilingual English-French or trilingual teaching according to the chosen track


You will gain an understanding of contemporary geopolitical issues


2 long-term internships, at least one of them abroad: employability rate almost 100%

Press release

CESEM keeps improving! Discover the latest announcements on the course.


Director of the CESEM

“With CESEM, you will develop your understanding of geopolitical issues, appreciate their cultural impact, become fluent in at least one foreign language, and acquire the key skills needed in international management professions.”

Curriculum: the 4-year CESEM

The CESEM programme has a logical, progressive structure, enabling you to develop a solid base of managerial skills within a distinctly international perspective. At each stage, you will also put your learning into practice within a business internship.

During your first two years in France at NEOMA you will learn to:

  • Identify opportunities and geopolitical risks related to international development
  • Understand marketing and commercial strategies
  • Understand business performance measures

Then, during the last two years spent abroad, you will learn to:

  • Define and implement a global strategy for marketing & commerce, finance or human resources,
  • Lead and motivate teams while carrying out innovative projects,
  • Understand and manage legal, economic, geopolitical and environmental risks,
  • Define professional expectations in terms of information systems, digitisation, and organisational transformation


Throughout the course, you will be able to incrementally enhance your career path via:

  • Basic courses at the management school (intercultural management, marketing, accounting, finance, strategy, and so on) taught to the highest international standards within double degree agreements.
  • An understanding of contemporary international issues: the digitisation of the economy, demographic and climate issues, and geopolitical evolutions are all factors that radically transform businesses and which our students will come to appreciate on their course.
  • Long internships: to apply your learning and immerse yourself in the professional world.
  • Multiple possibilities for specialisation: thanks to the varied offer from its various academic partners, the CESEM can offer you a very large number of specialisations at the end of the course (Big Data, International Development, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, and more).
  • Learning languages: you will be taught in French and English but also in German, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese or Russian as soon as you are with our academic partners. Together with the students of the country and a multitude of international students, you will learn and develop your language skills and live in a multicultural environment that will also enhance your understanding of cultural differences.
  • For those who so wish, a regal route to a career in China: thanks to the Institut Confucius for Business at NEOMA and its partnership with the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) in Beijing, you will have the benefit of a solid basis for forging a career in China. This is done over 5 years: the first two years at NEOMA where you will take Chinese lessons, then you spend a gap year in China to continue learning Chinese (does not apply to students attaining HSK5 in France). You will then be fully trilingual to complete your course with our Chinese partner.
  • High-level athletes and artists may benefit from an adapted programme in order to pursue both their studies and their passion.

Download the brochure for full course details:


Skill sets

During your four years in the programme, we will help you develop the necessary skills so you can quickly find your first job and ensure your employability over your entire career.

You will know how to:

  • Identify added-value creation opportunities in France and abroad as well as the associated risks and provide development proposals
  • Implement an action plan that includes multicultural, digital and sustainable aspects
  • Lead a multicultural team to carry out an action plan

Evaluation procedures

The programme is recognised through a dual validation:

  • Ongoing assessment: evaluations conducted throughout the length of the programme in the form of individual or collective reports to be submitted,
  • A final evaluation: performed at the end of the course, it can be done under different forms – it is, for the most part, individual

At the end of the programme and after a validation of 60 ECTS credits per programme year, the level-6 CESEM degree is awarded to participants.

If some modules were not validated and thus no credits were earned, the programme participant can redo the evaluation during a period set up for this purpose.

2 business immersion internships

CESEM allows you to bring added value to your CV thanks to two long-term internships (one semester each), undertaken during the course at least one of which is done abroad:

  • Between the 1st and 2nd year: a 6-month operational internship in France or abroad,
  • During your last two years: a 6-month (*) responsibility internship in the country or area of your second degree qualification.

You may also do additional internships in France and abroad in order to broaden your professional experience. These multiple experiences allow you to enhance your skills and develop your ability to adapt while constructing and refining your career trajectory.

You are supported in your search for internships by the counsellors of the Talent & Career Unit.

Major involvement from companies

Businesses are heavily involved throughout the course, both in classes and activities (projects, talks, ongoing involvement, internships etc.) and in events organised by the School (Business forums, job days and career advice, etc.).

The programme directors rely on businesses to offer a course that will always be in line with their needs.

(*) the most common duration, done as 1 or 2 internships.

International experience at the heart of CESEM’s DNA

NEOMA Business School’s International Double Bachelor offers its students 22 double degrees in 13 different countries. Since 1974, the CESEM is recognised in France and abroad as a double degrees’ specialist with 91% of accredited partner universities and more than 250 double degree places.

Americas Track (Reims campus then partner campus)


NC STATE Poole College of Management , North Carolina (USA)



Start: 3rd year – Teaching language: English

Knauss School of Business, University of San Diego (USA)



Start: 3rd year – Teaching language: English

Martha & Spencer Love School of Business, Elon University, North Carolina, (USA)



Start: 3rd year – Teaching language: English

John Carroll University, Ohio (USA)



Start: 3 rd year- Teaching language: English


Concordia University, Montreal– Quebec (Canada)



Start: 3rd year – Teaching language: English

Goodman School of Business, Brock University, Ontario (Canada)



Start: 3rd year – Teaching language: English

Carleton University, Ottawa city – Ontario (Canada)



Start: 3rd year – Teaching language: English

Université Laval, Quebec– Quebec (Canada)



Start: 3rd year – Teaching language: English/French


FGV EAESP , Sao Paulo (Brazil)



Start: 3rd year – Teaching language: English with the possibility of following classes in Portuguese and Spanish.
Beginners in Portuguese accepted.


UDLAP , Puebla (Mexico)



Start: 3rd year – Teaching language: English and Spanish

Asian Track


University of International Business and Economics, Pekin (China)



Start: 3rd year – Langue d’enseignement : Chinese and English
Beginners in Chinese accepted

Hong Kong Baptist, Hong Kong (China)



Start: 3rd year – Teaching language: Chinese and English
Beginners in Chinese accepted

National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan (China)



Start: 3rd year – Teaching languages: Chinese and English


Nagoya University of Commerce & Business, Nagoya (Japan)



Start: 3rd year – Teaching languages: English (and Japanese for more advanced students)
Beginners in Japanese accepted

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Beppu (Japan)



Start: 2nd year – Teaching languages: English (and Japanese for more advanced students)
Beginners in Japanese accepted


Hanyang University Business School (HUBS), Seoul (South Korea)



Start: 3 rd year – Teaching language : English

European Track

United Kingdom

Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster (United Kingdom)



Start: 3rd year – Teaching language: English


ESB, Reutlingen (Allemagne)



Starts: 1st and 3rd year – Teaching languages: German and English


Dublin City University, Dublin (Irland)



Start: 1st and 3rd year – Teaching language: English


RANEPA- Institute of Business Studies, Moscou (Russia)



Start: 1st and 3rd year – Teaching language: English
Beginners in Russian accepted (recruitment suspended for the 2022 school year)


Avans Hogeschool, Breda (Netherlands)



Start: 3rd year – Teaching language: English


Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza (Italy)


Start: 3rd year – Teaching languages: Italian and English
Beginners in Italian accepted


Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICAI-ICADE, Madrid (Spain)


Start: 1st or 3rd year – Teaching languages: Spanish and English

The CESEM degree an accelerator for your professional career

What are the qualities of CESEM graduates? Their agility, easy adaptability, ability to manage multicultural teams, convey ideas, work with others and, of course, their developed sense of international mobility. All qualities that will be useful in your future career or for further studies.

Continuing studies

  • 70% of CESEM graduates continue their studies to obtain a 5-year Bachelor’s degree

As a graduate, you can undertake university Masters degrees, Masters of Science or Specialised Masters at Business or Engineering Schools, as well as Masters in Management at the best institutions in France and abroad:

Further study for one of the full-time MSc courses at NEOMA is guaranteed to CESEM graduates (provided they have the level of English required by the programme and after a validation and counselling interview with the given director of the MSc). In this way, you can become a Master of Science!

Target professions

Once you graduate, you can work in a wide variety of fields:

  • Finance / Auditing: management control, auditor, portfolio manager, financial analyst
  • Marketing / Communication: product manager, communications officer
  • Commercial: area manager, account manager, sales consultant, project manager, sales manager
  • Purchasing and logistics: operations manager, logistics manager, supply chain manager
  • Information systems / new technologies: consultant, business manager, project manager

A few examples of companies that recruit our graduates

BNP Paribas – Deloitte Dublin – Google – Groupe Crédit Agricole – JP Morgan Chase – L’Oréal – Microsoft – Möet & Chandon – Nestlé – Nielsen – OTIS – PwC Luxembourg – Safran –Unilever – etc.

Performance indicators


Available as a double degree abroad1

< 2 months

Average time to secure employment2


Employment rate
at 6 months3


Graduation rate3

Sources: 1 Course data 2022-2023 | 2 Graduate Employment Survey 2021 & 2022 | 3 Jury 2020-2021

Admission procedures

Admission procedures depend on where your last qualification is from.

Admissions Process

Complete the online application: apply.neoma-bs.fr
Provide scanned copies of all original documents in English or French (CV, motivation letter, transcripts, etc.)
Candidates who meet the admissions requirements will be asked to complete a deferred interview
Admissions results are sent by email within two weeks of the interview.

Application fees: €80


Profile: holders of an international diploma of equivalent level to the French baccalaureate (High schoold iploma), IELTS 6.0 or equivalent.

Selection: by dossier and interviews (motivation + English).

Online applications at apply.neoma-bs.fr

Application calendar

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, from September 2023 with a final deadline for submissions at the end of June 2024. Applicants will be informed of the admission jury’s decision two weeks following the interview.

However, given the limited number of places, candidates are advised to apply as early as possible.

Latest news

For more information, contact our international team:

Min WU

Asia & Asia-Pacific

International Promotion and Admissions Manager

+33 2 32 82 17 76 LinkedIn Make an appointment


Africa & Middle East
Shekhar SURTI

Shekhar SURTI

Indian Subcontinent



International Promotion and Admissions Manager

+33 2 32 82 17 72 LinkedIn Make an appointment

Anya Angélica CÁRDENAS

Latin America


Europe & North America

International Promotion and Admissions Manager

(+33) 3 26 77 88 60 LinkedIn images Make an appointment

Practical information

  • Format:

    Full time

  • Duration:

    4 years

  • Tuition fees:

    12 600€ per year.
    Apprenticeship: financing provided by the employer and remuneration according to profile.

  • Campus:

    Partner's university, Reims

  • Teaching language:

    100% in English or French (Year 1 only) / Language of the academic partner

  • Course start date:


  • Entry level:

    High School diploma & IELTS 6.0 or equivalent

  • Degree awarded:

    Bachelor Degree in International Business Management (4-year Bachelor Degree) / Level 6 qualification on the RNCP (French Register of Professional Certifications) / RNCP sheet No. 36437, CESEM
    Registration date: 26/08/2022 - NEOMA



6 th rank

2024 Le Point Magazine Undergraduate Programmes Ranking

1 st rank 2024 for internationalisation criteria

Practical information

  • Practical information
    • Format:

      Full time

    • Duration:

      4 years

    • Tuition fees:


    • Campus:

      Partner's university, Reims

    • Teaching language:

      100% in English or French (Year 1 only) / Language of the academic partner

    • Course start date:

      September 2024

    • Entry level:

      High School diploma & IELTS 6.0 or equivalent

    • Degree awarded:

      Bachelor Degree in International Business Management (4-year Bachelor Degree) / Level 6 qualification on the RNCP (French Register of Professional Certifications) / RNCP sheet No. 36437, CESEM
      Registration date: 26/08/2022 - NEOMA