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Financial Times Executive MBA Global Ranking 2023

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QS Executive MBA Top 100 Ranking 2023


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Embrace global perspectives, envision strategic transformations for your organisation, and foster your career development

The Global EMBA trains talented managers to transform the challenges posed by digital acceleration and climate change into development opportunities that benefit organisations and impact society.

Our curriculum combines lectures, projects, seminars, and international learning experiences, all built around innovation and ESG goals to achieve a global understanding of how firms transform and develop, and to address the inherent complex settings in which they operate.

You will become immersed in NEOMA’s exciting pedagogy within an international, multicultural framework, where you can enhance and develop the practical skills and essential knowledge that will empower you as a leader.

5 good reasons to join the programme


An entrepreneurship / intrapreneurship-focused approach with the ” Capstone Project “


A central theme: Corporate Social Responsibility


Two international seminars, outside Europe


The NEOMA Alumni network: a powerful and supportive network, with more than 72,000 Alumni


Industry Immersions: company visits, expert conferences and discussions with managers

Prof. Sami ATTAOUI

Director, Global Executive MBA

This programme aims to help leaders drive changes and design creative business solutions.

NEOMA Business School is Qualiopi certified under the following action categories:

  • Training actions
  • Apprenticeship training actions
  • Actions allowing the validation of acquired experience

Skill fields: executive posture in an age of disruptions

NEOMA Business School created a curriculum that covers four skill fields:

  • Creation and implementation of a company, business unit or function-based strategy.
  • Development and management of financial decisions for supporting the organisation’s overall strategy.
  • Identification and distribution of development opportunities for an innovative activity, product or service.
  • Leadership of a company, business unit or function and management of employees and teams.

NEOMA offer the possibility of selecting only one skill field out of the 4 skill fields to develop an expertise and obtain certification.

Capstone Project

The capstone project is the cornerstone of the Global Executive MBA programme. It accommodates various types of real project developments: existing business, not-for-profit, new ideas. The project aims to provide the participants to put together their expertise and working experiences along with the knowledge and competencies gained throughout the programme, to shape the project’s strategy and its development stages.

Social Project

The social project promotes ideas that tackle social problems to develop purpose-making technology-based solutions that are economically sustainable.

Industry immersions

Participants will gain insights on how firms in specific industries are strategically dealing with the challenges raised by climate change and spikes in energy prices. The seminars mix company visits, lectures from experts and discussion with top management.

The excellence of our faculty and experts

  • The Global Executive professors and contributors are all experts who are internationally recognised in their field
  • Our professors teach in the best institutions: Harvard Business School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Columbia Business School, Stanford University, University of Southern California, Imperial College London, INSEAD, HEC, Surrey Business School, etc.

Two international seminars to offer a global outlook

The Global Executive MBA includes two one-week modules held abroad called International Learning Experiences (ILE). Each ILE offers immersion based on the following subjects:

Social Entrepreneurship (Accra, Ghana):

Ghana presents three salient features: it has a dynamic economy, serious development ambitions and a stable political environment. This study tour emphasises doing business in Ghana. Our participants meet investors and entrepreneurs at both the incubator and the accelerator stages, and gain a deeper understanding of the business environment. Additionally, our participants mentor and advise young Ghanaian entrepreneurs at various workshops by applying their knowledge and experience, particularly in digitalisation.

Innovation (Location varies every year):

Firms innovate in various ways: products, services, or processes to deal with complexity and thrive. Creativity and technologies shape firms’ ability to innovate. This international Learning Experience (ILE) is structured around corporate culture seminars, visits to research labs and digital hubs, and expert talks. The ILE exposes participants to how industries such as financial services and supply chains leverage digital acceleration and technological advances to drive improvements, cope with increasing competition and new players, and develop growth opportunities.

Capitalising on the synergies of two regions with major economic heritages

Regional anchoring is a central component of NEOMA BS: in the Global EMBA, it is embodied in the seminars devoted to the Champagne-Ardenne and Normandy regions, allowing participants to discover promising sectors of activity (company tours, case studies, etc.).

For example, participants meet with decision makers from the luxury sector (prestigious champagne houses) to discuss circular economics or discover the most successful entrepreneurial stories in Normandy (Ferrero, etc.).


To graduate, the following conditions must be met:

  • Successful acquisition of the competencies delivered by the Global Executive MBA programme through individual and group assessments as case studies, reports and simulations
  • Completion of the Capstone Project: written report and oral defense before a jury

Middle East and Asia Tracks

The NEOMA Global Executive MBA programme is also available in Asia and the Middle East: in China, in the city of Shanghai, an international financial centre and in Tehran, Iran, renowned for its culture and excellent higher education.

We offer these tracks to executive and middle managers and to local entrepreneurs who want to develop executive manager skills.

Just like the programme in Paris, the GEMBA tracks taught in China and Iran aim to provide participants with strategic vision for executive leadership in a digital age faced with new societal issues.

Moreover, meetings with executives as well as visits to renowned companies are organised so the participants can have an in-depth look at the special features of the local ecosystems.

Those participating in the China and Iran tracks can attend modules in the France track and thus meet the participants in the Paris programme.

The Global Executive MBA China Track:

  • Format: Part time
  • Average duration: 15 months
  • Campus: Shanghai
  • Teaching language: English

Degree awarded: Global Executive Master of Business Administration Level-7 RNCP, recognised by the French government

The Global Executive MBA Iran Track:

  • Format: Part time
  • Average duration: 15 months
  • Campus: Tehran
  • Teaching language: English

Degree awarded: Global Executive Master of Business Administration, Level-7 RNCP, recognised by the French government

Class profile

Be part of a group of executives working together on their futures as leaders

Industries represented

Educational background

What are your career prospects after the Global Executive MBA?

  • The Global EMBA addresses all types and sizes of organisations and companies, in all sectors, industries and services
  • In the majority of cases, the executive manager occupies a position at the highest level of the company management chain (director, corporate executive, etc.) and in an international and multicultural context
  • Examples of job titles: member of executive committee, entrepreneur, SME manager, subsidiary/division/unit/department manager, profit centre manager, function manager, operational unit manager, project manager, general secretary, external or internal consultant (often titled project manager), etc.

 Benefits for you:

  • Perform company diagnostics, create a strategy, guide financial decisions, identify development opportunities while respecting CSR challenges
  • Progress, take on new functions, carry out redevelopment
  • Prepare for the responsibilities involved with business unit, entrepreneurship, consulting, transition management
  • Make connections with your peers and join a life-long network

Benefits for the company

Managing directors, human resource directors and training managers have trusted us to provide training to their executive managers since 1998 based on four main objectives:

  • Support high-potential personnel to accelerate company performance
  • Help employees in developing their managerial skills
  • Define the best business plan for a key company development
  • Experience international immersion in promising economic regions


Performance indicators


Recommendation rate1


% career aims achieved2


Higher career position (3-years post-graduation)3


Salary increase (3-years post-graduation)4


Graduation rate5

Sources: 1 Graduate Employment Survey - Classes of 2021 & 2022 | 2 FT ranking 2023 | 3 Graduate Employment Survey - Class of 2022 | 4 Graduate Employment Survey - Class of 2020 | 5 Global EMBA follow-up - 2022-2023 jury

Admissions and Financing

Admissions criteria

  • Three-year Bachelor’s or higher
  • Five years professional experience minimum
  • English fluency assessed by TOEIC or TOEFL test
    We offer the option of taking the English test online, issuing a level in accordance with the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”

How to Apply in 2 steps

  • Step 1: Complete your application online
  • Step 2: Admission interview with the Director of the Global Executive MBA

You will be asked to provide some of the following information:

  • Your resume
  • Two reference contacts
  • Scans of your diplomas

Admission juries are held at the end of the interviews, which are organised as applications are submitted online.

Financing your Global Executive MBA

  • 2023-2024 Tuition fees: €37,900 (excl.VAT)
  • 2023-2024 application fees: €100
  • The Global EMBA is a diploma-granting training programme registered for Level-7 certification under the title “Executive Manager” (File No. 34681) in the French National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP)
  • It is entitled to the financing schemes for professional training, particularly the personal training credit system (CPF) (consult us for financing solutions)
  • Early Bird discount


    Start your application for the 2024 Spring intake before January 31st and benefit from €3,000 of early bird discount

    • Empowering Women programme
    • Merit-based programme

    Thematic :

    • Innovation
    • Sustainable transformation
    • Achievements Intrapreneurial/Entrepreneurial


Thierry Chassara - GEMBA 2022 - Graduate of the Arts et Métiers engineering school and recent graduate of NEOMA Business School’s Global Executive MBA (GEMBA)

Read testimony

Talk to the Participants – Global EMBA – Episode 2

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NEOMA Global EMBA Success Stories – Entrepreneurship Emmanuel PATY, founder of fOKS, EMBA 2011

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Elisabeth Catarino

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Talk to the participants

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Executive MBA: Marines during the time of a training

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City in my bag, a unique concept seducing the curiosity of professionals and tourists!

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Valérie Stival takes over as Head of Transformation at Xerox France

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Cécile BECKERICH - Graduated in 2016 - Head of Marketing Carac

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Francoise TIGUEMOUNINE - Graduated in 2016 - Senior Director, Courlancy Group

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MAARTEN PLOKKER - Graduated in 2013 - Managing Director Europe at SiteSpect. The Netherlands

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NICOLAS BONNEVILLE - 2011 - General Manager at Regional Institute of Social Work Champagne Ardenne

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Diana Gonzalez

DIANA GONZALEZ - Graduated in 2019 - In Business Creation - Open Innovation Sector

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Nathalie GLORY - Graduated in 2015 - Real Estate Management Consultant Société I@D

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Vincent VERDONCK - Graduating in 2018 - Head of Sales France & Belgium Air Europa

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Virginie MANCHADO - Graduating in 2019 - Editor éditions Les Echappés

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Stéphane RODRIGUEZ DE LINAREZ - Graduated in 2015 - Commercial Director, AR Industries

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Benoît FILLON - Graduated in 2015 - Vice-President, Engineering, Zags

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Diane LAFLECHE - Graduated in 2014 - Interior design, DECOREXPAT SARL

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Jean-Jacques MOUNIER - Graduated in 2017 - Programme Manager, French Navy

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Commandant Jean-Baptiste KERLEAU - Graduated in 2017 - Internal auditor, Ministry of Defence

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Guillaume ROCHE - Graduated in 2016 - Keysourcing in Shanghai

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Isabelle PEYRON - Graduated in 2017 - « Serial Entrepreneur » Co-founder and Director General, Perspectives, Co-founder and shareholder, Pro-Methée Plus, Founder and Manager, Groupe Zenos, Co-founder and shareholder, SARL Prestance

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Alexandre BRIFAULT - Graduated in 2019 - CEO Maison de Couture ROMAIN BRIFAULT

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Latest news

For more information, contact our international team:




Practical information

  • Format:

    Part time: four days per month with three being business days

  • Duration:

    Start in March: 15 months, Start in October: 20 months,

  • Campus:

    Paris, Shanghai, Tehran

  • Teaching language:


  • Course start date:

    October, March

  • Entry level:

    Three-year Bachelor’s or higher, five years of professional experience

  • Degree awarded:

    Global Executive Master of Business Administration / Level 7 Qualification on the RNCP (French Register of Professional Certifications) / RNCP sheet No. 37645, Executive Manager
    Registration date: 31/05/2023 - NEOMA



TOP 50

Financial Times Executive MBA Global Ranking 2023

+12 places

QS Executive MBA Top 100 Ranking 2023


Practical information

  • Practical information
    • Format:

      Part time: four days per month with three being business days

    • Duration:

      Start in March: 15 months, Start in October: 20 months,

    • Campus:

      Paris, Shanghai, Tehran

    • Teaching language:


    • Course start date:

      July 2024

    • Entry level:

      Three-year Bachelor’s or higher, five years of professional experience

    • Degree awarded:

      Global Executive Master of Business Administration / Level 7 Qualification on the RNCP (French Register of Professional Certifications) / RNCP sheet No. 37645, Executive Manager
      Registration date: 31/05/2023 - NEOMA