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WEBINAR | Discover our Part-Time Masters | March 7th from 6pm to 7 pm

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MSc Communication d’Entreprise

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Programme presentation

This Master of Science (MSc) trains multi-skilled experts to develop and implement communication strategies and adapt to new challenges in their profession: digital transformation, globalisation, etc.

After more than seventeen years of existence, the programme has a large network of alumni holding important positions in agencies and with advertisers that our graduates can count on for support.

It is made up of twelve specific modules that gradually introduce all of the necessary stages for implementing a responsible communications strategy.

Three continuous, cross-functional modules complete the curriculum: : methodology of the professional thesis, shape your career, junior agencies project.

A network that you can count on throughout your career!

5 good reasons to join the programme


More than 17 years of expertise in corporate communications. A network of more than 650 graduates.


An innovative programme promoting professional immersion: Junior agencies project, Simbound simulation, Coding School.


Preparation for Google Ads, Google Analytics and Hubspot Social Media certifications.


Part of the seminars are conducted in English* in order to prepare students to work in an international environment.


A work-linked training programme boosting entry in the professional world and tuition funding assured through professionalisation contracts.

*The proportion of courses taught in English may vary from year to year.


Head of programme

Become a multifaceted expert capable of defining, managing and deploying integrated communication strategies.

Programme objectives

The programme is intended for students and professionally active managers who want to undertake additional training and specialise in all the professions associated with communications. The programme gives students the opportunity to master communications in a 360° approach while embracing the digital transformation. This programme trains communications experts who work in advertising and different communications agencies.

Skill sets

RNCP title: Manager communication d’entreprise (file no. 37012)

This programme enables students to:

  • Define the corporate communications strategy
  • Manage and deploy the communication strategy for the brand or product
  • Manage the company’s reputation / e-reputation with internal and external targets
  • Manage the human resources dedicated to corporate communication

This programme is accessible via the « VAE » (awarding a qualification based on relevant professional experience).

Programme highlights

Google Analytics and Google Ads

The classes prepare students for obtaining these certifications that validate the understanding of the fundamental principles of web analytics and on-line advertising.


Training that aims to develop visual-creation expertise.

Simbound simulation

This simulation offers students the chance to step into a company’s shoes and develop their digital communications strategy.

Creativity and Visual Design

Training in creativity techniques and DTP tools (Photoshop) as part of a partnership with a design school.

Cross-Border Project

Throughout the year, organised as if they worked in a Junior Agency, the students develop the communication strategy of a real advertiser. This project will lead them to collaborate with senior art directors in a creative workshop and to defend their project before a jury.

Conference on new communications challenges

Conferences are organised throughout the year on the new challenges of communication.

Coding School

As part of a course module on UX Design, students prototype a web solution and develop it after being trained in the basics of web programming through the NEOMA coding platform.

Adapted programme for high-level athletes and artists

High-level athletes and artists may benefit from an adapted programme in order to pursue both their studies and their passion.

Masters Dissertation

The professional thesis is a project whose purpose is to identify an issue important to companies and respond to it by using a conceptual approach and empirical research. This project must lead to practical recommendations for companies. Its additional purpose is to help students acquire technical expertise while also developing important soft skills for the job market: critical thinking, complex problem resolution, etc

Evaluation procedures

The programme is recognised through a dual validation:

  • Ongoing assessment: evaluations conducted throughout the length of the programme in the form of individual or collective reports to be submitted
  • A masters dissertation: submission of a written document and an oral defence before a jury made up of an academic tutor and a company tutor

At the end of the programme and after a validation of the ongoing assessment and professional thesis, the Level-7 RNCP of Corporate Communication Manager degree is awarded to the participants.

If some modules were not validated and thus no credits were earned, the programme participant can redo the evaluation during a period set up for this purpose.

The part-time format allows you to remain at your company and promotes your entry and development in the professional world

Targeted professions

  • Communications director
  • Digital communications project manager
  • Events manager
  • Public relations officer
  • Social media manager
  • Strategic planner
  • Advertising manager
  • Communications consultant

Our students positioned in companies

Students from the class of 2023 have professionalisation contracts in companies such as:


Performance indicators


Part-time (work-study) format1

< 1 month

Average time to secure employment2


Employment rate
at 6 months2


Graduation rate3

Sources: 1 Course data 2022-2023 | 2 Graduate Employment Survey 2021 & 2022 | 3 Jury 2020-2021


This programme is intended for young graduates who want to develop a specialisation or earn a double skill and professionals who want to complement their skills.

Entry level Year 1 Year 2 Degree
  • Four-year Bachelor’s degree
  • Three-year Bachelor’s + 3 years of professional experience*
  • Level-7 RNCP certification
  • Level-6 RNCP certification
  • International degree equivalent to the required French degrees noted above
  Part-Time Master of Science Master of Science / Level-7 RNCP certification
After a three-year Bachelor’s degree Preparatory Year Part-Time Master of Science Master of Science / Level-7 RNCP certification

*apart from internship and work/study contract.

Nationals of the European Community as well as international students aged under 25 years old and who have been residing in France for at least 12 months are eligible for this programme.

This programme is accessible to people with disability.

Admission Process

1st step: Application

You need to fill out the application online.

The applications must be finalised no later than 10 days before the date of the interview.

You must include the required documents:

  • CV
  • Two letters of recommendation from the current year 
  • Marks from your last two academic years
  • Level of English*

*If the applicant does not have results from an English exam (B2 level), the recruitment manager can have the applicant take an online test on ICIMS.

The selection jury will decide on an applicant’s admissibility after reviewing their application.

2nd stage: Admission tests

Applicants deemed admissible after review of their applications then have a motivation interview via ZOOM.

Motivational interviews take place once or twice a month.

Definitive admission is communicated to each candidate within 7 days of the date of the motivation interview.

Application fee: 100 €


Applications are accepted between October and August, subject to availability.

However, given the limited number of places available, we advise applicants to apply as soon as possible.

Calendar of forthcoming sessions :

  • Wednesday, February 21st 2024
  • Thursday, February 22nd 2024
  • Friday, March 1st 2024
  • Monday, March 25th 2024
  • Tuesday, March 26th 2024

For more information, contact our international team:

Practical information

  • Format:

    Part time (One week of lessons, two weeks in the business)

  • Duration:

    12 months

  • Tuition fees:


  • Campus:


  • Teaching language:


  • Course start date:


  • Entry level:

    Four-year Bachelor’s degree or three-year Bachelor’s + 3 years of professional experience (apart from internship and work/study contract)

  • Degree awarded:

    Master of Science / Level 7 Qualification on the RNCP (French Register of Professional Certifications) / RNCP sheet No. 37012, Corporate Communication Manager
    Registration date: 24/10/2022 - NEOMA


Practical information

  • Practical information
    • Format:

      Part time (One week of lessons, two weeks in the business)

    • Duration:

      12 months

    • Tuition fees:


    • Campus:


    • Teaching language:


    • Course start date:

      September 2024

    • Entry level:

      Four-year Bachelor’s degree or three-year Bachelor’s + 3 years of professional experience (apart from internship and work/study contract)

    • Degree awarded:

      Master of Science / Level 7 Qualification on the RNCP (French Register of Professional Certifications) / RNCP sheet No. 37012, Corporate Communication Manager
      Registration date: 24/10/2022 - NEOMA