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Arnold Migan, NEOMA BS EMBA graduate, is proposing to put well-being back at the heart of corporate strategy with his startup through moments of leisure, relaxation or shared activities. An idea that came to him soon after a particularly painful episode.

Sometimes significant events happen in your life that open your eyes to the world. This is certainly the case with Arnold's story. In 2006 Arnold Migan was working for a major French company. "I'd been working for this company for several years. At that time, I was doing quite a lot of sport, and also because I like a challenge, I expressed a desire to join the NEOMA BS EMBA. A demanding course that would allow me to develop a real sense of management. A vision of evolution and stated ambition that my company did not want to support financially." Disappointed but not resigned, he decided to self-finance the course and study in addition to his full-time job. This meant giving up his sports and extra-professional activities. The months that followed were particularly difficult as he juggled busy work weeks with weekend classes. "This heavy workload and the resulting stress eventually manifested itself physically. One morning, I woke up with my face totally paralyzed.... A real shock. It was at that moment that I came up with the idea of creating a company dedicated to well-being in the workplace to give meaning to the importance of people in the business world," Arnold explains.

HUG - the Human Growth, is a company created to provide well-being for people in organisations in a different way. With the HUG'n Go range - a 20-minute relaxation, meditation, sports or massage session, where you are, as you are - Arnold would like to offer employees a certain comfort in their work environment. "The idea for the different activities came to me as a direct result of my own professional experience. After my burnout, I really needed to focus on my own well-being and also the well-being of my colleagues. After getting back to my former self, I felt I had to help others to take care of themselves. The pressure of achieving results in today's world forces us to overlook what is truly essential: feeling good in your mind and body and prospering in a healthy environment. There are many ways to develop this feeling, but more often than not, managers or company directors simply do not have the time or the willingness to exploit them."

A bespoke à la carte offer, adapted to all companies

HUG's offer has been designed to be adaptable to every context. Together with the experts who work alongside me, we propose a tailor-made solution that is adapted to each organization. A solution where time is no longer an obstacle. A solution that is easily applicable and accessible to all, since no infrastructure or sportswear is required to set it up. And finally, a solution where no sports level is required, since the idea of performance is absent from the proposed services. Today Arnold is pursuing his dream project and prospering fully in his company. His ambition is to finance an association for the prevention of burnout and a sports association for people with disability.

HUG is only just beginning but is already enjoying growing success. Proof that a painful event can sometimes lead to real success.