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WEBINAR | Discover our Part-Time Masters | March 7th from 6pm to 7 pm

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Mastère Spécialisé (MS) Marketing & Data Analytics

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Eduniversal ranking 2023 of the best Masters, AM and MBA - Digital Marketing et Data Analytics category


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Programme presentation

As technology continues to advance, organisations are undergoing digital transformation in search of better avenues for growth. This digital transformation leads companies today to rethink their business model as well as their strategic levers of differentiation and value creation for their customers. This requires a process of both cultural and organisational change to meet the challenges of transformation at different levels of management.

At the same time, digital transformation has resulted in an acceleration of the data flows generated by Big Data. From a marketing perspective, this dynamic has naturally placed data, and therefore consumer insights, at the centre of brand strategies with the aim of better mastery of the market, understanding and modelling of multi-channel consumer behaviour and designing and facilitating the customer experience. It is thus a matter of establishing a data culture within companies so as to foster a customer-centric strategy. To be successful, companies must improve their analytic capabilities by adopting the latest and artificial intelligence-based solutions, and also equip themselves with human skills capable of combining predictive and data analysis with marketing and customer relationship decision-making.

The programme Marketing et Data Analytics is positioned at the intersection of marketing, technology and predictive approaches. This programme is designed to train experts capable of integrating data analysis for more informed decision-making for better marketing performance and an optimised customer experience.

5 good reasons to join the programme


A pioneering Master’s degree in terms of its positioning in perfect harmony with the current expectations of companies.


A course combining marketing, technology and data.


Active and immersive teaching methods in close collaboration with the leading companies in tech, AI and data exploitation*.


A multidisciplinary course of study combining analytical and decision-making skills in the service of marketing.


A work-study programme that facilitates entry into the professional world and ensures tuition funding through professional training contracts.

* Microsoft (Azure AI/ML), IBM (Cognos Analytics), Dataiku, AWS, Alteryx, Salesforce, Google Analytics, Tableau, SPSS, Power BI…

Head of programme (from September 2023)

Data Intelligence for Customer Experience and Marketing Performance.

Programme objectives

The programme sits at the junction between marketing, technology and predictive approaches. It is designed to train experts who can integrate data analysis to provide an optimised customer experience.

The programme’s objective is to enable students to:

  • Master analytical methods that employ a perspective involving the smart usage of data in order to solve current marketing problems.
  • Develop a data-driven culture so they can incorporate a customer culture into the company.
  • Master data extraction and analysis through the use of the right tools (SQL, PYTHON, R).
  • Guide, measure, adjust offers and customer relations (Decision optimisation through data visualisation).
  • Define the KPIs and manage the marketing budget.

Skill sets

This programme (Qualification on the RNCP sheet n°36530) enables students to:

  • Develop a customer-centric marketing strategy in a data-driven environment
  • Analyse massive data to monitor the implementation of the customer-centric marketing strategy
  • Conquer and/or develop customer loyalty through a CRM tool
  • Design tools to visualise customer relationship performance
  • Manage the financial and human resources dedicated to customer relations

This programme is accessible via the « VAE » (awarding a qualification based on relevant professional experience).

Programme highlights

Cross-functional business case

Hackathon Data Science and Machine Learning

The hackathon provides students with an intensive learning experience to develop their data science and problem-solving skills in a collaborative and competitive environment. Organised with one of the partner companies, the hackathon is an opportunity to hone skills in data approach intelligence, problematisation, analysis choices and data communication and visualisation, as the results are presented to the final jury.

Data Tour, Escape Game and Immersive Simulation with Dataiku

The Marketing & Data Analytics curriculum is built around a range of immersive, gamified activities that allow students to experience real and virtual environments around the world of data/IA/tech. Thanks to a partnership with Dataiku and other leading Big Data players, students can also take part in escape games or immersive simulations based on tech, creativity, artificial intelligence and the challenges of learning to use data…

Themed conferences

Scheduled throughout the course and in relation to the modules taught, lectures are given by a panel of guest experts on topics such as data governance, new data professions, digital humanities, technological sobriety, computer vision and marketing, cybersecurity, programmatic marketing and robotics.

Adapted programme for high-level athletes and artists

High-level athletes and artists may benefit from an adapted programme in order to pursue both their studies and their passion.

Professional thesis or dissertation*

Based on a business problem, the thesis marks the end of the programme with a practical application of the acquired skills and concepts. An academic tutor supervises the thesis over several stages and points (methodology, progress report, etc.) before its final submission and oral defence.

*As part of the MSc preparation, the professional thesis is replaced with a professional dissertation.

Evaluation procedures

The programme is recognised through a dual validation:

  • Ongoing assessment: evaluations conducted throughout the length of the programme in the form of individual or collective reports to be submitted
  • A professional thesis: submission of a written document and an oral defence before a jury made up of an academic tutor and a company tutor

At the end of the programme and after a validation of the ongoing assessment and professional thesis, the Level-7 RNCP of Customer Relationship Manager degree is awarded to the participants.

If some modules were not validated and thus no credits were earned, the programme participant can redo the evaluation during a period set up for this purpose.

The part-time format allows you to remain at your company and promotes your entry and development in the professional world.

Targeted professions

  • Data Analyst
  • Big Data / Digital Transformation Consultant
  • CRM / BI Project Manager, Chief Data Officer
  • Data and AI Product Manager
  • Data Marketing & Analytics Manager
  • Business Analyst, Analytics and Performance Manager…

Our students positioned in companies

Students from the class of 2023 have professionalisation contracts in companies such as:


Performance indicators


Part-time (work-study) format1

< 1 month

Average time to secure employment2


Employment rate
at 6 months2


Graduation rate3

Sources: 1 Course data 2022-2023 | 2 Graduate Employment Survey 2021 & 2022 | 3 Jury 2020-2021


This programme is intended for young graduates who want to develop a specialisation or earn a double skill and professionals who want to complement their skills.

Entry level

Year 1

Year 2


  • Master’s Degree
  • Four-year Bachelor’s degree + 3 years of professional experience (apart from internship and work/study contract)
  • Four-year Bachelor’s degree (30% of class)*


Part-time Advanced Masters

« Specialised Master accredited by the « Conférence des Grandes Ecoles »

Four-year Bachelor’s degree

Three-year Bachelor’s + 3 years of professional experience (apart from internship and work/study contract)


Part-Time MSc

MSc / Level-7 RNCP certification

*We accept applications from students holding one of the following diplomas :

  • Engineering degree accredited by the « Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur » (CTI list)
  • Degree from a Management School accredited to deliver the national « Grade de Master » (CEFDG list)
  • Postgraduate degree accredited by university authorities (DEA, DESS, Master’s degree, etc.) or a professional Master diploma
  • 4-year Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, for students with at least three years of professional experience (apart from internship and work/study contract)
  • Level-7 RNCP certification
  • International degree equivalent to the required French degrees noted above

Nationals of the European Community as well as international students aged under 25 years old and who have been residing in France for at least 12 months are eligible for this programme.

This programme is accessible to people with disability.

Admissions process

1st step: Application

You need to fill out the application online.

The applications must be finalised no later than 10 days before the date of the interview. You must include the required documents:

  • CV
  • Two letters of recommendation from the current year
  • Marks from your last two academic years
  • Level of English*

*If the applicant does not have results from an English exam (B2 level), the recruitment manager can have the applicant take an online test on ICIMS.

The selection jury will decide on an applicant’s admissibility after reviewing their application.

2nd step: Admission tests

Applicants deemed admissible after review of their applications then have a motivation interview via ZOOM.

Motivational interviews take place once or twice a month.

Definitive admission is communicated to each candidate within 7 days of the date of the motivation interview. Application fee: 100 €


Applications are accepted between October and August, subject to availability.

However, given the limited number of places available, we advise applicants to apply as soon as possible.

Calendar of forthcoming sessions :

  • Monday, January 15th 2024
  • Friday, January 26th 2024
  • Friday, February 9th 2024
  • Thursday, February 29th 2024
  • Tuesday, March 19th 2024
  • Friday, March 29th 2024
  • Wednesday, April 10th 2024


Audrey MAHOP BUT - Promotion 2022 - Business Analyst IT - Total Energies

Read testimony

Maxime FORTIN - Promotion 2022 - Data & Analytics Consultant - EY

Read testimony

Hazel DINLER - Promotion 2021 - Data, CRO & UX - Sephora (LVMH)

Read testimony

For more information, contact our international team:

Practical information

  • Format:

    Part time (One week of lessons, two weeks in the business)

  • Duration:

    12 months

  • Tuition fees:


  • Campus:


  • Teaching language:


  • Course start date:


  • Entry level:

    Master’s Degree / Four-year Bachelor’s degree + 3 years of professional experience (apart from internship and work/study contract) / Four-year Bachelor’s degree (30% of class)

  • Degree awarded:

    RNCP (French Register of Professional Certifications) Registered Level 7 Qualification and according to the chosen course Advanced Master accredited by the "Conférence des Grandes Ecoles" or MSc delivered by NEOMA / Fiche 36530 Customer Relationship Manager (MS)
    Registration date: 01/06/2022 - NEOMA



1 st rank

Eduniversal ranking 2023 of the best Masters, AM and MBA - Digital Marketing et Data Analytics category


Practical information

  • Practical information
    • Format:

      Part time (One week of lessons, two weeks in the business)

    • Duration:

      12 months

    • Tuition fees:


    • Campus:


    • Teaching language:


    • Course start date:

      September 2024

    • Entry level:

      Master’s Degree / Four-year Bachelor’s degree + 3 years of professional experience (apart from internship and work/study contract) / Four-year Bachelor’s degree (30% of class)

    • Degree awarded:

      RNCP (French Register of Professional Certifications) Registered Level 7 Qualification and according to the chosen course Advanced Master accredited by the "Conférence des Grandes Ecoles" or MSc delivered by NEOMA / Fiche 36530 Customer Relationship Manager (MS)
      Registration date: 01/06/2022 - NEOMA