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Become an entrepreneur

Stimulate your entrepreneurial spirit

More than just a skill or activity, we see entrepreneurship as a state of mind, requiring: will power, risk taking and perseverance. In line with our mission, we therefore intend to impart students with a real entrepreneurial capability.

Particularly with a multi-site incubator and ‘entrepreneurship’ specialisations in several of our programmes, our “entrepreneurial approach” comes in several forms, with a single objective: to develop your capacity to act, to think outside the box, to innovate and create, well beyond the creation or takeover of a business.

To do this, we draw from a continuum of educational tools gradually leading students to discover and then consider entrepreneurship as a viable option.

To inform you

Upon arrival on our campus, we awaken your curiosity and educate you on techniques for business innovation and creation through:

  • our conferences; regularly hosted by entrepreneurs or directors of start-ups.
  • our ‘Entrepreneur Cafés’; organised by our student associations to allow you to interact in a relaxed and informal manner with business creators.
  • our dedicated entrepreneuship events, such as the annual “POWERED BY NEOMA BS” day, celebrating the entrepreneurial spirit, notably through a start-up forum, a pitching competition and the conferences.
  • our meetings with the school’s incubators enable students in process of business creation or who have already created a startup during their studies to meet.

In this phase, you discover entrepreneurship by example, showing that it exists, it’s feasible and, above all, is exciting!

To educate you

After this introduction, we place you in ever more realistic situations where innovation and creativity are the key words:

  • courses, seminars, entrepreneurship programmes, projects to be created and then developed… are woven in to all of our courses, from Bachelor programmes to Executive Education: Born Global seminar at the GBBA, the Hackathon at the MiM or the BSM.
  • “life-size” exercises, such as the “NEOMA BS Startup”, an entrepreneurial challenge open to all our students. Supervised by teachers and coaches for two consecutive days, within a team you work on a business creation project, evaluated by a professional panel.
  • the entrepreneurial pathway, taking place throughout an elective course offered in the second year of the Master in Management Programme. You work on your start-up creation project at the specific pace of the class in the morning and the incubator in the afternoon.
  • The NEOMA Coding School a community and collaborative digital platform for learning about IT development. You can train yourself in web coding at your own pace and according to your needs. The community comes to your aid if you have a question or if you are stuck in an exercise. Learning is also collaborative as you can design and then develop projects as a team. This platform is also used during coding courses given on the various campuses of the school. Therefore we complete your training in the field of IT development: the goal is not to train IT development specialists, but to provide you with the fundamentals of digital culture to interact more easily with web experts, and therefore successfully evolve in a resolutely digital professional environment.

Logo Région NormandieSupported by Région Normandie

In this phase, you truly experience entrepreneurship and therefore you learn by doing (learning-by-doing approach).

To make you a specialist

Convinced by the first 2 phases? You have already created or want to create a start-up and would like to know more? Several of our programmes offer “Entrepreneurship” specialisations. For example:

  • The MSc “Entrepreneurship & Innovation” from the Master in Management programme, run by teachers, business creators or buyers and whose teaching follows a chronology adapted to the activities of entrepreneurs. A project also allows the gradual implementation of the courses through experimentation and field learning.
  • The “Project management and entrepreneurship” module from the TEMA programme, with in particular a course “Entrepreneurship / Business takeover”.
  • The “Entrepreneuship track” from the GBBA programme, with integration into incubators: 6 months of lessons + 6 months of support.
  • The course « Global Incubator», to carry out your exchange within the incubator of a partner university, which allows you to continue your business creation project initiated at NEOMA during your exchange. The objective of this novel device? In a multicultural environment, discover the best local entrepreneurial practices and build international start-ups, with a “born global” logic. Several agreements have been signed with more than ten prestigious universities in emblematic countries: Shanghai Jiaotong University and its Antai College of Economics & Management or Hong Kong Baptist University in China, Brock University or Laval University in Canada, Dublin City University in Ireland, Deakin University in Australia, IIM Calcutta in India, United Arab Emirates University in United Arab Emirates, Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) in Brazil and UC Berkeley in the heart of Silicon Valley in the United States.

Dans cette phase, vous rentrez plus en profondeur dans les différents aspects de l’entrepreneuriat mais aussi de l’intrapreneuriat (gestion de projet dans une entreprise existante).

Supporting you throughout your entrepreneurial project

1. With our Incubators

As a student or graduate with a business creation or takeover project, our multi-site Incubators offer you a complete support system through:

  • an equipped and collective workspace that promotes your discussions and your idea generation with other project leaders;
  • global and individual coaching that accompanies you every step of the development of your project, from its formalisation to its realisation;
  • personalised mentoring, led by experienced business leaders;
  • networking with our expert graduates who will give you the best advice: lawyers, accountants, tax specialists, growth hacking specialists, etc;
  • a calendar of highlights (events, workshops, round tables, training, competitions, study trips) to fuel your “Creative Thinking”;
  • a web cell dedicated to the development of websites and mobile applications specifically for digital startup projects.

This startup support structure is present on the Reims, Rouen and Paris campuses. To support them in the development of their offers and their infrastructure, our Incubators benefit from the support of the NEOMA Foundation, of which one of the major development axes is the support of young entrepreneurs.

Visit the NEOMA BS Incubator website


Supported by Grand Reims

2. With our accelerators

The last step in a continuous support system for business creation, our two accelerators, one based in Reims and the other in Rouen, are open to all and offer already created start-ups coaching and mentoring, expertise assignments, training modules and pitching sessions in front of potential investors. After an audit of the specific needs of each selected startup, the programme takes place over 3 intensive months to improve the business model and accelerate the development of startups.

NEOMA EdTech Accelerator (Reims) therefore capitalises on the NEOMA BS commitment to educational innovation based on digital technology. This accelerator, supported by Société Générale Champagne-Ardenne, covers three aspects of EdTech:

  • educational methods for learning to learn and develop their creativity;
  • technologies and digital tools allowing the efficient transmission of knowledge and skills useful for the company;
  • learning management systems.


Supported by Grand Reims

NEOMA Mobility Accelerator (Rouen) relies on the recognised expertise of NEOMA BS in Logistics, Supply Chain Management and Transport.

This accelerator uses a global and multidisciplinary approach and aims to address the issue of mobility as a whole:

  • in terms of infrastructure (ports, land);
  • superstructures (automation of gantries, autonomous handling cranes, robotisation, etc.);
  • transportation (convoy of connected trucks, autonomous vehicles);
  • services (new business models, 3D printer, blockchain, AI, etc.).


Logo Région NormandieSupported by Région Normandie

Visit the NEOMA startup lab