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Graduated in 2016
Senior Director, Courlancy Group

I completed my EMBA in June 2016 and graduated in September 2016. Before the EMBA I was a senior manager at a health facility and the arrival of my fourth child encouraged me to pause my professional activities and undertake the programme with NEOMA Business School. During the 18 months of training, I gradually moved toward the posture of a future leader with the perspective that is needed for decision-making in a complex environment. Two months after graduation, I was recruited by the Courlancy Group as a facility director at one of the Group's clinics and was recently appointed Director of Programming for the merger of two of the Group's facilities. The Group's directors are clearly aware not only of the strong added value of NEOMA's Executive MBA but also and above all the opportunity offered by NEOMA Business School to focus and contextualise the practical and theoretical knowledge already acquired by a company executive. As a Site Operations Manager and in charge of organising the merger of two sites, I measure the value of the Executive MBA as much in terms of strategic decisions as operational ones. And, thanks to NEOMA Business School, I was able to fill bigger boots than I had previously imagined was possible.